My book of parenting poetry, Poetry of a Hobo Mama: The First Three Years,
I compiled all my parenting-related poetry, from my first pregnancy and miscarriage, then Mikko's story from conception through pregnancy through the newborn phase and all the way up to toddlerhood.
If you're a fan of attachment-style parenting, you'll enjoy reading poems written for your experience: breastfeeding, babywearing, cosleeping, gentle discipline, and more. And if you're a fan of truth in parenting, you'll appreciate my honesty as I detail the highs and the lows of three years of getting used to this roller coaster ride.
Plus, it has a pretty nursing-in-public cover, no? (I'm all about judging books by their covers…)
You want a million copies? Great!
It's set up everywhere for your browsing and buying ease.Poetry of a Hobo Mama
The Kindle version
And if you want a DEAL, I've got a personal discount code set up at my CreateSpace store (CreateSpace is the print-on-demand publisher1 printing the book):
Save 20% off the cover price at CreateSpace
with coupon code SAP84AYJ
(limited time only)
This is my Hobo Mama exclusive, set up just for you! It brings the price down to $9.59.2
This code works only at CreateSpace (unfortunately I have no options to offer discounts on Amazon), and you do have to pay shipping. I've found the cheapest shipping doesn't take as long as they threaten, so I would go with that, personally! (Of course, it wouldn't get to you by Christmas, but if you're not picky.)
One book to the U.S. is $3.61 economy shipping (or, at any rate, that's what it is for me). If you buy, say, 3 copies, the shipping increases only to $4.04, so you save on multiple purchases if you wanted to buy a couple extra copies for baby shower or new parent gifts.
CreateSpace will ship internationally as well, though you can't see any shipping rates till you're in the checkout.
I've even set it up so that libraries can order a copy, though I imagine you'd have to put in a request or three!
If you want a free, autographed copy, contact me about setting up a blog review.
But what's in it for you?
Glad you asked! For some samples of the fabulousness contained therein, take a gander:- First of all, I've signed up for Search Inside The Book with Amazon.com
, so you can browse a few sample pages as well as enter search terms to see more. (Just click on the cover image on Amazon.com
to start your look-see.)
- Secondly, there are several examples contained on my sites already:
- And here's a bonus one for ya, written just for the book:
Hobo Baby
I sling my baby like a bindle on my back,
tramping along the tracks
countless feet have worn before.
We collect the hand-me-downs,
and we gather food as we find it,
and we bed down when it suits.
We walk in all weather,
and bum a ride when luck smiles,
learning our secret language
and pointing out signs along the way.
Hand in my hair,
babble in my ear,
the wind our lullaby
and the summer sun a blanket.
Down where the trains thunder past
and my baby laughs.
I hope you enjoy reading these poems as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Eternal smoochies to Sam
for designing the cover and
photographing Mikko and me in the first place!
for designing the cover and
photographing Mikko and me in the first place!
Disclosure: Amazon links are affiliate links.
I get a tiny amount of money if you buy my book new from anywhere.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
See my full disclosure policy here.
I get a tiny amount of money if you buy my book new from anywhere.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
See my full disclosure policy here.
1 When you order a copy from Amazon or the CreateSpace store, CreateSpace prints one right then and there from their stored digital files. This means the shipping (for non-Kindle purchases) takes a bit longer, fyi. See more on how to set this up for your own books at LaurenWayne.com: "Self-publishing your personal writing."↩
2 Assuming I'm doing the math right. I'm an English major, after all. That's why I do pretentious things like self-publish poetry books.↩
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