This is a joint giveaway with Code Name: Mama, Hobo Mama, and Natural Parents Network. You may enter at one site only. Please find the section marked "Win it!" for the mandatory entry and optional bonus entries.
This is a combined giveaway of two beautiful homebirth books for children: Mama, Talk About When Max Was Born (ARV $16) and We're Having a Homebirth!! (ARV $8). Two lucky readers will receive a copy of both books, making this giveaway's total value $48!
From our reviewer, Lauren at Hobo Mama:

I had done an extensive scouting out of what our library and bookstores had to offer in the way of preparing siblings for birth. Through that inquiry, I had discovered: There's not much out there about homebirth! Even the most attachment-friendly of birthing books tend to suggest that Mommy will go away to a birthing center.
So it was lovely to have a book aimed at children that accurately and simply describes what it's like to have a midwife-attended homebirth, and how an older sibling might be involved in that process.
We're Having a Homebirth!! starts off with a little introduction to the pregnancy and midwifery care by a modern-looking woman named Jenny. (I point that out only to demonstrate that, truthfully, midwives don't wear prairie skirts and smell like patchouli … except the ones who do). The narrator is an adorable sprite with black pigtails who is very excited about getting a new little brother or sister.

We are quickly bopped into the birth story proper, with Jenny's encouraging coaching and Daddy and the big sister's support. After a natural labor, Mommy pushes out a baby boy and then the placenta. The last spread shows Mommy breastfeeding and a celebratory birthday party for the new baby brother.

Mikko and I both appreciated the detail it manages to go into in those few pages. He pointed out the umbilical cord, I describe what labor looks and sounds like, and seeing the baby nurse always inspires him to have his own snack. The illustrations are explicit without being disturbing (to me, at least!). I love the touches of mentioning that the mother "stops to move her hips like a bellydancer" during labor and "makes lots of great noises" while pushing " … kind of like an elephant!!!" Yes to both of those from Alrik's birth!

One thing I really love about this volume is the price: only $6.50 + $1.50 shipping for Canada and the U.S., $9.50 total elsewhere. You can even buy multi-packs if you want to hand them out as gifts or to midwife/doula clients. I appreciate that Kelly kept the price affordable so that pretty much anyone can buy it.
So if your family is anticipating a homebirth addition and an older sibling is wondering what to expect, I highly recommend having this book on your shelves!

Mama, Talk About When Max Was Born is a sweet story that will help you prepare young children for an upcoming birth in your family. The story opens with a little girl asking her mama to tell her the story of the younger brother's birth. The mama narrates the story beginning with the day they found out they were expecting, continuing on through midwife appointments and visits from the doula, preparing for their homebirth, and ultimately having a peaceful home waterbirth.
The older sister is involved in every aspect of pregnancy and birth preparations. She is shown participating in midwife appointments (holding a stethoscope, helping the midwife measure mama's belly), assisting with the tasks needed to ready the house for baby (folding cloth diapers), and there is a lovely picture of the sister cuddling her own baby (and perhaps even "nursing" it) while mama labors in the birth pool nearby. The father is also engaged in almost every scene - helping with laundry, setting up the birth pool, and comforting the mama during labor.

In this birth story, the sister is not present for the actual birth. The mama says, "You wanted to play with Nana for awhile. We promised to call you as soon as the baby was born so that you could meet him right away." We are actually planning on having Kieran here with us when we have our homebirth, but we will also have someone on call in case Kieran is uncomfortable during labor or I need more preschooler-free peace and quiet.
At the close of the story, the sister arrives home to greet Max, and there are several beautiful pictures that show mama breastfeeding and the family snuggling.

Mama, Talk About When Max Was Born was written by Toni Olson and illustrated by S. Marie Carlson. I would recommend this book to any parent preparing a young child for the birth of a sibling - particularly if the birth will take place at home or at a home-like birth center.
It would also be a great book to gift an older sibling with who has recently gained a new little brother or sister - it would be helpful for the child to process his or her own experiences.
You can purchase your own copy of Mama, Talk About When Max Was Born at Hardcover copies are $15.99 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. You can use the contact form on the order page to inquire about bulk or wholesale pricing.You can purchase your own copy of We're Having a Homebirth!! at A single copy is $6.50 + $1.50 shipping for Canada and the U.S., $9.50 total elsewhere. Discounted multi-packs start at $32.50 for U.S./Canada for 5 books, or $60 for 10 books.
For your own chance to win one of two copies of both Mama, Talk About When Max Was Born and We're Having a Homebirth!!, enter by leaving a comment and using our new Rafflecopter system below.Two winners will receive one copy of each book. (Four books will be given away in total.) Contest is open WORLDWIDE.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Tell us why you are interested in winning copies of these books! You must enter your name and email address in the Rafflecopter entry system for your entry to count, after leaving a comment on this blog post.
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This is a joint giveaway with Hobo Mama, Code Name: Mama, and Natural Parents Network. You may enter at one site only, and we'll be recording IP addresses to ensure that there are no duplicate entries. That said, please do visit and enjoy all three sites!
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Contest closes October 24, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.
Disclosure: Our reviewers received a sample product for review purposes.
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_________________________Amazon links are affiliate links.
We try to seek out only products we think you would find
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Information About Our Reviewers:

I'd love to win these because we're having a homebirth in three months!
Very interested in homebirth!
I so want my next birth to be a home birth, and I would love to share these with my daughter in anticipation of her eventual brother/sister. Would also be great just to have to help normalize birth for kids...
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