The unique design collects your leaking breast milk when you nurse, stopping embarrassing leaks and allowing you to store extra breastmilk effortlessly.
The Milk-Saver is a device that sits over your non-nursing breast as you breastfeed. There's a hole in the middle of the back that your nipple fits through. As you breastfeed on the other side, the Milk-Saver catches any leaks and letdown from the non-nursing breast.
It's so simple, so ingenious, and such a wonderful idea for saving every precious drop of liquid gold!

Milk saved!
Read my full review at the giveaway post!
You can purchase the Milk-Saver online at MyMilkies.com or locally using the store locator.One Milk-Saver is $27.95. A two-pack is $46.95. Milkies ships internationally.
Milkies is offering our readers a coupon for 10% off your purchase using the coupon code MILKIES_HOBO — so feel free to buy yourself another to match!
Get 10% off your purchase!
Enter code MILKIES_HOBO at checkout.
For your own chance to win a Milk-Saver from Milkies, enter in the new Rafflecopter system on the giveaway post!
Disclosure: Milkies sent me a Milk-Saver for review.
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I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
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