This is a joint giveaway with Hobo Mama and Natural Parents Network. You may enter at one site only. I'm also cross-posting this here at Hobo Mama Reviews to make sure everyone sees it, but it's the same Rafflecopter entry system at all sites, so enter at just one. Please find the section marked "Win it!" for the mandatory main entry and optional bonus entries.

GREEN YOUR PERIOD special event: We are featuring a series of reusable menstrual products for review and giveaway. Go green, no matter what time of the month!
MotherMoonPads is offering our readers a giveaway of
a cloth menstrual pad prize pack, a value of $26.75.
The pack includes
two 10" Normal Pads and one 12.5" Ultimate Overnight/Postpartum Pad.
Postpartum mama cloth
I switched to cloth menstrual pads awhile ago. So when I was pregnant and considering what I was going to do for the postpartum period, I realized I didn't like the idea of going back to the bulky, crinkly, smelly disposables I remembered from my last time postpartum. Plus, cloth pads could be reused for overnights during future periods, or for any other birth.
But could cloth pads really stand up to the demands of postpartum bleeding? I was happy to test out a few brands and try it out!
I was really excited when Denelle of MotherMoonPads contacted me to do a review, because she usually doesn't do blog giveaways. I was really hoping to have some postpartum pads to test out, and her pads looked like a gorgeous, perfect fit!
MotherMoonPads sent me two 12.5" Ultimate Overnight/Postpartum Pads and one regular 12" Postpartum Pad for review. I realize the prize pack is different, because Denelle and I decided you might want more of a mix in your selection, so the winner will receive two Normal Pads and one of the Ultimate Overnight/Postpartum Pads. Since I was pregnant then and not going to have my cycles back anytime soon (crossing fingers), I knew postpartum pads were all I could safely pledge to review!

My pads came lovingly wrapped. I was so excited to lay them into my birthing kit so they'd be ready.

Would you like
free shipping on cloth diapers?
Use coupon code SUMMERSEND at
Kelly's Closet on any order placed this weekend (through Sunday night) and receive free standard shipping anywhere within the United States.
FREE shipping on all orders!
Use code SUMMERSEND at checkout.
Expires Sunday, 8.28.
Rules for coupon:
Excludes the upgrade to USPS Priority or UPS Insured shipping.
Not valid on pending or previous orders.
See that cute baby there?
He's wearing Tea Collection. Oh, you know it. He's nothing if not stylish.
I seriously had been drooling sooo much over
Tea Collection clothes that I had to try some out for myself. I started off easy and bought some used ones from
on eBay
because Mama isn't made of money and I wanted to make sure they were actually as
cute and well-made as they looked.
Well: They are! They're now some of my favorite baby outfits.
They get compliments every time Alrik wears one, and they've machine washed really well. I've gotten rompers and t-shirts, and I'm looking now to find some matching baby-preschooler outfits to make Mikko happy. (He loves to match his little bro!) I love that many of the Tea Collection clothes
fit babies through elementary-age kids. It can be hard to find outfits that work for such a range of ages! (Trust me — I've been trying.)
This is a joint giveaway with Natural Parents Network and Hobo Mama Reviews. You may enter at only one site. Please find the section marked Win It! for the mandatory main entry and optional bonus entries.
Five Little Bags |
Guest review by Lauren B.
I've had my own cloth grocery bags for a few years now. I made them myself when I was first learning to sew, and to be perfectly honest, never really liked them. They were a thin, woven canvas-like material, the proportions were all wrong, and they were always messy in the trunk of my car. Eventually I quit using them, and while I felt guilty about getting plastic, it wasn't enough for me to bring in my own cruddy old bags. Thus, I was delighted to have the opportunity to review the
Envirosax 5-in-1 Pouch, offered by
I headed over to their site to choose a pattern. There are (at current count) 18 sets to choose from, and I must've spent a good 45 minutes perusing them before settling on
Nomad. The bags arrived via USPS in a recycled paper sleeve.
The bags just as they arrived |
The first thing I did was unsnap and open up each of the bags to see the designs. I'm not going to include a picture of my homemade cloth bags, because the Envirosax put them to shame. My first impression was that they were light and strong, and seemed to be just the right size. I was a little worried about getting them rolled back up and snapped, but by the time I got to the fifth bag, I'd gotten the hang of it. An instructional video is included
here, but I didn't need it.
We went grocery shopping a few days later, and I was excited to try them out. I nearly forgot them because the bag is small enough that I almost didn't notice it in the pocket of my car door. While I'm loathe to stick anything on my car, ConservingNow does include a little static-cling sticker to put on your window, and I think I'll be using it until bringing the bags in has become a habit
I always do self-checkout at the grocery store because I prefer to organize and pack my own bags. I unsnapped the bags and packed them one at a time, starting with the milk. The bags are advertised as being tested to hold 44 pounds, so I loaded one of them up with a gallon of milk, two containers of juice, and a quart of cream. There was room on top, but I did want to get to the other bags. For $110 worth of groceries, I only ended up using four of the five bags, and I could easily have fit more things into those four if I'd needed to.
Milkies is offering our readers
a giveaway of The Milk-Saver breast milk collection device, a value of $27.95.
The unique design
collects your leaking breast milk when you nurse, stopping embarrassing leaks and allowing you to store extra breastmilk effortlessly.
The Milk-Saver is a device that sits over your non-nursing breast as you breastfeed. There's a hole in the middle of the back that your nipple fits through. As you breastfeed on the other side, the Milk-Saver catches any leaks and letdown from the non-nursing breast.
It's so simple, so ingenious, and such a wonderful idea for saving every precious drop of liquid gold!

Milk saved!
Read my full review at the giveaway post!
Episencial is
offering our readers a giveaway of a baby-safe Fun Summer Skincare Kit, a value of $30.
all-natural sunscreen is
chemical-free and newborn-safe.
Here are the products offered in the giveaway:
- Sunny Sunscreen (SPF 35)
- Protective Face Balm (SPF 6)
- Soothing Cream
- plus a creative art project with The Very Hungry Caterpillar from The World of Eric Carle
Episencial has created a
convenient, kid-friendly, eco-friendly sun solution in this skincare line.
Skin Deep Cosmetics Database at EWG has highly ranked Episencial's sunscreen products with ratings of 1 and 2, which indicates ingredients with low hazard.
Whereas chemical sunscreens carry warnings not to use on babies younger than 6 months, the minerals in Episencial are all natural and
sit on the skin to physically block the sun's rays rather than absorbing into the bloodstream. That makes this a skincare line that's
safe for the whole family.
I love my BabyLegs! I'm so excited to have a new little one to try them all on.
today and tomorrow, you can get
50% off all styles of BabyLegs, from leg warmers to tights to socks!
50% off all orders
August 22-23 only
Enter code HALFOFF at checkout.
Maybe it's because we just took our first trip as a family of four to a wedding this past weekend, but I've got party season on the brain. When Beau-coup sent an email with these adorable mint tins profiled, I had to share them with you.
Have you seen our exclusive birthday party mint tins? They are the perfect party favor for first birthdays or sweet sixteens. They come in lots of designs & colors & you won’t find them anywhere but at Beau-coup.

Personalized Birthday Party Mint Tins
Wouldn't those be adorable for a first birthday party favor or wedding memento? You can even personalize them with a photo!

I've created a
new ongoing linky for natural parenting giveaways to draw attention to relevant giveaways.
Instead of being lost in the
bigger giveaway linky lists, jumbled in with products that don't speak to your lifestyles or values, your giveaways can shine in this list tailored to attachment parents interested in a natural lifestyle. It will also help highlight the "little-guy" prizes: products from WAHMs and Etsy shops, self-published books, and unique and niche offerings.
If you're a natural parenting blogger and are hosting a giveaway,
enter it in the linky!
And if you're a natural parent, go check out the
full list of giveaways to see what you can win!
There's also a
Facebook page for giveaways by parenting bloggers created by Jennifer of
Hybrid Rasta Mama. If you "like" the page, you can promote your own giveaways there as well or find out about new ones.
As you're entering giveaways into my linky, please note that entries are moderated, so it will take time for your submission to appear. And please include an end date when you submit a listing, so I know when to remove it from the list so I can keep things up to date.
Thanks, and happy linking!
My friend
Amy alerted me to this deal for
World Breastfeeding Week.
You can get
FREE Bamboobies nursing pads all week in honor of WBW. You must pay only the
shipping of $4.95 to thew U.S. or Canada.
International customers should email first to get a shipping quote, but they can order as well. This offer is good through August 7.
The regular price of Bamboobies is $8.50 plus s/h, so this is a nice way to try them out!

Here are the August deals at
Kelly's Closet on quality cloth diapers for your baby or toddler:
Free itti bitti tutto one-sized diaper with $99 purchase with coupon code MINKEELOVE.
Limit 2 uses per customer.

Free newborn cloth diaper with purchase of $39 or more using code NEWBORN.
Limit 1 use per customer.
Limited to the first 100 uses.
These coupons can expire at any time, so shop today!
Remember to keep up with my
full list of giveaways to see what you can win, here and on Natural Parents Network!
Here are the
current giveaways around here. There are several that end TOMORROW or within the next few days, so enter quickly! The ones that end soonest are at the
bottom of the list.