I also appreciate that Walgreens is giving back to the community with the Way to Well Fund: A cent from the purchase of every Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Product, up to $3 million annually, will support bringing preventive wellness services to local communities.
Keep reading to hear about my adventures in reviewing Walgreens Brand items and to learn how YOU can win a $100 Walgreens gift card of your own from BlogHer.
The assignment for the review was to buy three seasonal products from the Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness selections. No problem — except for the narrowing down! There was plenty I could use for the summer.
And I didn't have too much time to shop, given that I was due to give birth to my second child at any minute. As it turned out, I bought my items just in time, and now I'm writing this review on the other side of the birth!

Forgive the cell phone pictures — I had to seize the chance I had to shop and didn't have a nicer camera along. I figured it was good that I got it all taken care of, considering I went into labor two days later! I hadn't even waited for my sponsor-provided gift card to arrive before buying my products — good thing, huh?
A note on the prices: I was given a $50 gift card to buy three products, and my three choices came to only about $11. I think it's fabulous when it's hard to spend $50 at a store.
Watershield Adhesive Bandages
We headed first into Mikko's favoritest section of any drugstore: the bandage aisle! He can't get enough of first aid products. For himself, he prefers rolled gauze and tape. For others, e.g. his father and me, he loves adhesive bandages — and lots of 'em. It doesn't really matter whether you have an owie or not, truth be told.
My take
Fortuitously (I guess), I had two hangnails — one on each index finger — that were giving me some pain. I figure it was due to all the extreme nesting I was doing at nine months pregnant, including having installed a toilet that day. (Because you know that makes sense to do when you're super-pregnant.) Usually I would put a dab of a liquid bandage on a hangnail, but I was trying to avoid extra chemicals due to the little one within, so I got to try out a bandage on each finger instead.The good news is, they were entirely like other bandages I've tried, both store brand and brand name. The bad news is, the Watershield promise was overstated — they didn't stay on any better than any other bandage (or any worse). I found it rather humorous that the box even suggested changing the bandage if it got wet. Oh, well!
I'm still glad to have them around, both because I like the clear bandages and considering how quickly we go through them with a four-year-old nurse-in-training to dole them out. The price was right. And I would definitely buy Walgreens brand bandages again. I think next time I'd just look to see if there was a regular version that cost less than the Watershield and go with that if so.
Super Moleskin Plus

Walgreens to the rescue! I love moleskin padding for anyplace a shoe pinches: the toes, the straps, the heels. The adhesive means you can stick it in place and have all-day comfort. The neutral coloring doesn't match every (any?) skintone, but it has that don't-pay-me-any-notice vibe. And the rectangular sheets mean you can cut out any size or shape of padding you need.

Artsy shot for no good reason!
My take
Now, I am not currently carrying out my running routine — nor have I been for some months — but I do plan to ease back into it this summer, so having the moleskin on hand is essential.And I absolutely plan to wear sandals all.summer.long, so I need to make sure my wimpy feet can handle the pressure.
Since I'm not allowed, by midwife order, even to walk down the stairs at the moment, I can't exactly test the moleskin to its limits, but I did give it a nice feel and a tug on the adhesive. The padding is very soft, and the adhesive feels quite strong. It feels, in fact, exactly like a name-brand version I've used before. I think it will do exceptionally!
Sheer Sunscreen Roller

So this roll-on facial sunscreen spoke to me. It said, "Laaauuuren! I will be so much easier to smear on your face than a goopy tube of sunscreen. I won't clog your pores and make you look all greasy or chalky. I will be easy to rub in. You will want to put me on before a day in the sun — and even throughout the day!"
I heeded the call.
The thing with sunscreen is that I'm conflicted between going all-natural (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide) versus using the formulations that make me apt to apply sunscreen in the first place, and then reapply it as needed to keep my protection up. I am not the kind of person who develops a protective tan — never, ever, ever happens, despite my most fervent attempts from elementary through high school — so I really do need to rely on commonsense, clothing and hat cover-ups during the summer, and also a nice thick layer of sunblock or sunscreen, particularly if I'm going to be out all day or during the hottest part.
My compromise so far is, for everyday coverage, to use mineral makeup that contains natural sunblockers, and to try out some natural body sunscreens for my hands, arms, chest, neck, and ears. But if I'm going to be out swimming or on the beach, I like to use a spray sunscreen that covers all of me more easily.
However, my face is still a sticking point. Quite literally, I don't like having it be all sticky. So finding an easy way to apply a liberal amount of sunscreen across my features? Golden.
My take

Looks like he's showing you the bonus travel sunscreen it came with. Actually, he just forgot that to pose with something so the camera can see it, you have to not be looking directly at it.
The SPF 55 might be overkill for any normally toned people, but I'll take the highest protection factor I can get. I like the idea that nothing's getting through that barrier.
While I was outside that day, I didn't notice any excess shininess, and I didn't get any stinging to suggest I was sweating it down and irritating my eyes. I think this will be the perfect roll-on to tuck into a beach bag or purse for a day out in the sun. It's the type of sunscreen you can reapply without a mirror without fear of ending up with goofy white lines where you didn't blend it enough.
If you have sunscreen-averse family members and kidlets, something like this that's fun and easy to apply might just be what's needed to convert them.

You'll be happy to know that I really, really thought it would be funny to buy and review laxatives for those pesky postpartum issues, but Amy in her wisdom talked me out of it and I will keep mum on my ordeal… I did, however, determine that the active ingredients were indeed the same as the pricier name-brand options, so I would go with the Walgreens Brand if given the choice.

And some other goodies might or might not have found their way into my bag…
See — you'll find it hard to resist doing a little extra shopping once you go in for your health and wellness items! There really are a lot of great deals there.
So there you have it. Try Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness products. Visit the site for more information.
For your own chance to win a $100 Walgreens gift card from BlogHer, enter in the comments below! Contest is open to U.S. only and is open June 6 to June 30.MAIN ENTRY: Tell me what health and wellness products you have purchased or would purchase at Walgreens. You can visit the site for ideas.
Leave an email address in at least one of your comments if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. (You can write it like this to foil spambots: mail {at} hobomama {dot} com or similar.)
You can go to the Prizes & Promotions Round-up Page to enter contests from other bloggers!
- No duplicate comments.
- You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
- a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post.
- b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post.
- c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post.
- d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
- The giveaway window is June 6-June 30.
- This giveaway is open to US residents age 18 or older.
- Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.
- You have 72 hours to get back to me; otherwise a new winner will be selected.
- Visit the Official Rules.
Contest opens June 6 and closes June 30 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by BlogHer and Walgreens,
and I received a gift card to purchase the review items.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
See my full disclosure policy here.
and I received a gift card to purchase the review items.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
See my full disclosure policy here.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 377 Newer› Newest»I've used the ibuprofen and allergy remedies, and your post gave me some great ideas for new products to try!
spehcialk AT aol DOT com
I have purchased many store brand health products including, band aids soap, over the counter medications.
on_extra @ yahoo.com
I'd purchase ibuprofen at Walgreens.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
We currently use their version of Tylenol, and so far I love it!
I often use aloe vera from walgreens! Rodegghero@gmail.com
I am **ALL** about the Walgreens Diapers! Thanks for hosting!
We have purchases their bandaids before and were very happy with them. They weren't any worse than a name brand and help up just as well.
miriam.heider (at) gmail (dot) com
I've used the cranberry supplements for preventing UTIs
Juliets_puma AT live DOT com
I love Walgreens and I totally agree that the Walgreens brand is comparable to brand names. I usually buy my over the counter medicines there because the Walgreens brand is so much cheaper and works just as well.
Heck yeah! This is a giveaway I can get behind. We have a walgreens within walking distance of our home, so we get all sorts of essentials there. Toilet paper, the store brand allergy meds (my achiles heel& often oh-so expensive as a name brand product), anti-itch cream for bug bites, and always, always chapstick. We've run there for pregnancy tests a few times, too ;)
Avioletsouffle at g m a i l.com
I have used the Walgreens brand bandaids and love them. I would love to try the Walgreens brand diapers!
Jennifer Marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
Jennifer Marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
I like the Walgreens Wal-Dryl Allergy Relief
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
i get a lot of stuff at walgreens. typically i stock up on the largest bottles of aleve since i go through 4 pills a day.
I would get walgreens Aloe Vera products
gagaslab at gmail dot com
I'd buy any number of Walgreens products. I love store brands too.
I'd buy any number of Walgreens products. I love store brands too.
i have purchased many bandaids from the walgreens brand but i really really want to try the vitamin E pills from walgreens to help my hair growth :} thats what i will purchase next! :D
thanks fot this giveaway!
here is mt tweet for this giveaway!
I always opt for the store brand with pregnancy tests - the "name brand" ones are always so expensive! And apparently it worked just fine 'cause I can feel little dude moving around in there right now - looks like store brand tests are pretty accurate ;)
janelaroche [at] ymail [dot] com
We just got a Walgreens in my town last month, and I have already bought their store-brand prenatal vitamins.
Oops, forgot to leave my email:
Not only do I get my monthly prescription from Walgreens, but I've used their bandaids, ibuprofin, anti-itch creams, and, yes, even recently had occasion to need their athlete's foot cream (yuck!)--all work great!
I buy our vitamins at Walgreens
I like to buy my Ibuprofen at Walgreens. joycemlinek@yahoo.com
I tweeted - http://twitter.com/joycemlinek/status/78299946708770816
Loved your pics! LOVE moleskin, I'm a nurse and recommend that to many people, you'd be surprised how many people have never heard of it! So I would get some more moleskin. Also stock up on sunscreen, and I buy my vitamins from there too. If I won the gift card though, I would treat my 3 kids and myself to a little splurge for ourselves...my kids would probably pick out something from the candy aisle and I would treat myself to some new bright nail polish in time for summer!! Thanks!! jenn_duvall {at} live {dot} com
I would buy vitamins and bandages.... my little boys can be rough! PEace4hippychick{at}gmail.com
Store version of tylenol, just wish they had their own version of insteads
I get my prescriptions from walgreens and I also buy tylenol and pain relief pills there.
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
I would buy sunscreen...I'm really pale and, living in Georgia, need to wear it all over constantly May through October.
I have four kids who love band-aids! So that is what I would get!
we use walgreens low dose aprins and diapers for the kids
tcogbill at live dot com
I've bought W brand eyedrops, sunscreen, and ibuprofen recently!
This was fun to read, Lauren. Thanks for including Daniel and me! I'm glad I convinced you not to review the laxatives, though that would have been REALLY funny.
I suppose since I'm commenting already, I should answer the mandatory question: I have bought flushable baby wipes from Walgreens (See? They're in the photo!) and I think I bought some Burts Bees lip balm that day, too. I'm still keeping those baby wipes in the diaper bag (and using them right now while we're on vacation) and they're very handy and also reasonably priced. There's my little plug for Walgreens products!
I have yet to purchase any Health and Wellness items from Walgreens (our nearest is a couple towns over), but I hope I get a chance to do so! I would get sunscreen, pain reliever and antiacid tablets.
I buy my bandages, heating pads, recordable dvds, and travel sizes at Walgreen's. Anything I can get for less than at Kaiser I get at Walgreen's, including some prescriptions.
i like buying walgreens brand vitamins, especially when they're on buy-one-get-one-free sale! they're a great value and just as good as any namebrand!
lifeblessons -at- gmail dot com
I buy store brands quite often to save money! I find that in most cases the products are just as good if not better than the national brands! We could really use some new items to stock our medecine cabinet, so we would probably put this towards ibuprofin, first aid items, baby pain reliever, and cold meds. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
we always use Walgreens brand Cold and Cough meds. We even got our netti pot there.
muloove at yahoo dot com
muloove at yahoo dot com
We mostly buy the Wellness brand items. I've purchased asperin, cortizone cream, cough meds and bandages, to name a few.
Thanks so much.
I tweeted:
I always buy and use Walgreens' Mint Waxed Mint Dental Floss
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I purchase herbal supplements.
I get vitamins and supplements there as well as my low dose aspirin. I also buy makeup there. I have used their band-aids as well successfully.
apoalillo [AT] hotmail dot com
Lots of bandaids, and anything else to stock my first aid kit!
I would buy Walgreens ibuprofen.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I have not purchased any yet but I could really use some sunscreen and some pain reliever.
I would get some sunscreen and Sea Bands for an upcoming vacation and also some vitamins.
I depend on Walgreen allergy products for my whole family
teechbiz at gmail dot com
i'd like to try the sunscreen
stigay at aol.com
I would get Wal-dryl for my stubborn allergies...also good for preventing carsickness on long drives.
crazypplrok at gmail dot com
The new allergy meds. I am suffering this year and spending a fortune
We have purchased several, we have a walgreens bout 4 miles form the house so when we need a quick something I head on out. We purchase mostly Ibuprofen.
I have purchased their ibuprofen and acetaminophen, as well as their throat spray and bandages.
I use the Walgreen's Aspirin Pain
Reliever 81 mg Adult Low Strength.
Thanks Cathy Truman
sunscreen, vitamins, fever medicine
tvollowitz at aol dot com
aspirin and mouthwash so far
their ibuprofen
I would love to get some vitamins!
I would like to try the mint mouth wash from walgreens.
I have purchased Walgreen brand band aids, vitamins and sunscreen
s2s2 at comcast dot net
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I just ran out of calcium and Vitamin D supplements and I see Walgreens has a Buy 1 Get 1 sale going on. Great timing! Thanks!
tmp95 at comcast dot net
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/dahbou/status/79628882168393728
tmp95 at comcast dot net
Sunscreen is a must
bandaids, prescription meds, and even vitamins! :)
deeg131 at gmail dot com
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I have used their cold medicines, pain killers, and multivitamins.
I like their ibuprofen.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
I would purchase Tumeric capsules. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
I've bought ibuprofen and bandages at Walgreens.
I buy the low dose asprin and allergy medicine.I love the Walgreens brand.
Thanks for the giveaway:)
McKenzie Kennedy
I most recently purchased meds for my sinus infection from Walgreens
I've OTC drugs from Walgreens!
I would get allergy meds, pain relievers, band aids, triple antibiotic ointment,toilet paper, etc what ever I need atthe time I gte my giftcard, mae some calcium and vitimin b complex and flax seed oil supplements(my mom takes 1 of each everyday)
I shop at walgreen's all the time - I buy all kinds of things there aspirin, toothbrush, even treats for the kids.
love walgreens. i get fiber and sunscreen for two things.
lauren51990 at aol dot com
I would buy more bandages. My little boy loves them like stickers. LOL
cindyloumagee at yahoo dot com
PS new follower :)
I like Walgreens brand, their pain reliever and baby wipes/diapers are as good as name brand ones. I'd get sunscreen and body lotion.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Slow Release Iron Dietary Supplement Tablets are great husband is anemic theyve helped keep him out of the hospital
I use the Walgreens ibuprofen.
1agordon at live.com
I have purchased cold medicine for my son at Walgreens.
shelnew19 (at) gmail (dot) com
Awesome contest! Thanks a ton! Janna Johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com
I love Walgreens and it just happens to be the closest store to where I live so I shop there frequently. I always buy store brand pain killers and first aid products.
I can’t figure out how to get JUST the status I posted…. heres my twitter link though!! http://twitter.com/#!/RJS_Bearcat
I would use their acetaminophen (tylenol) the most because I get headaches and I can't take anything else! Also their wipes are easy for clean ups! Sunscreen is a must, as well as about 20 other things I could use!! rebeccawoodincoupons {at} gmail {dot} com
I've used several of the Walgreen's brand products especially meds like ibuprofen. I'm not a real brand name person and Walgreen's brand is terrific.
I'd love to win the gift card.
We love buying Walgreen's brand medication. We have a cabinet full (lol!). I like the Walgreen's cold/flu relief, muli-symptom nightime and daytime medication.
I like their own brand of pain relievers.
I would make sure I had medicine for my whole family and maybe some new multivitamins!
adankleff at gmail dot com
I would buy aspirins,tooth paste and other things related to health because of their amazing prices.
I'm a subscriber.
I have used many Walgreens brand items! Everyday products for first aid, allergy relief, etc. We even use their brand for chemistry experiments! LOVE shopping at Walgreens!!! :)
empress (underscore) designs79 (at) yahoo (dot) com
i would try some of their allergy medications
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com
Headache medicine, bandaids and bodywash are just a few I usually buy there. I love Walgreens that sometimes I will go to just browse and waste time!
I would purchase Walgreens Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages!
rawrms (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted:
rawrms (at) gmail (dot) com
I just bought some moleskin for my husband for the first time. I had no idea that Walgreens had that as a store brand and will get that type next time!
selinda_mccumbers at yahoo.com
I love Walgreen's brand items, especially their medications!
I've used the ibuprofen and sunscreen
their allergy medication
I get most of my vitamins and supplements from Walgreens
I love Walgreens and use tons of their brand of products. I use the pain medicine for my three kiddos and the adult medicine for me and I have no complaints what so ever. I use their brand of wipes myself and their training pants. We go through quite a bit of bandaids here and I buy the Walgreens brand for my two bigger kiddos since my 4 year old loves character ones. Thank you for the entry.
polarbearmonnie at aol dot com
Their Exedrine alternative
I have used the Walgreens Ibuprofen 200 Tablets,Tablets for hip pain. It works. helenkeeler@comcast.net
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/helen1949/status/80853947413299201
I'd like to try the sunscreen and the allergy products - both are so expensive in the name brands
tweet! http://twitter.com/LAMusing/status/80865738734309376
I like the Ibuprofen - works great!
I buy many of my diabetic supplies there.
I rely on Walgreens brands for a number of things... especially when it comes to vitamin and mineral supplements. I can only use certain formulas of iron, and tend to run anemic, so the Walgreens Ferrous Gluconate is vital to my health. I also buy their spray sunblock, allergy meds, and various other Walgreens brand products regularly. I don't just fill my prescriptions there!
fab50kate at gmail dot com
We buy allergy medicine at Walgreen's every few weeks to keep my husband breathing!
i would totally get some cold/cough medicine, and lots of sunscreen!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
I use walgreens allergy meds. They work just as good as the name brand and are about $3 cheaper!
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
we have used their cough and cold medicine before and it worked very well. thanks!
hmcnaron at gmail dot com
I buy Walgreen's brand of denture cleaner. It's half the price of the name brand and works just as well or better.
smchester at gmail dot com
I've purchased the Walgreens Omega-3 Krill Oil 300mg Softgels
I've tried their Ibuprofen and it works great.
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/chipdip2010/status/81337853044457472
Previously I have purchased Prenatal Vitamins (One A Day) at Walgreens and Vitamins for my 2 year old (Flintstones). These are the links to the items:
I purchase the Walgreen's brand Women's One a day vitamins:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
I've purchased Walgreen's brand of notebook paper and it keeps me in the writing mode.
I love their store brand vitamins.
Aww such cute photos! I like Walgreens vitamins, ibuprofen and benadryl!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Awesome giveaway! Thank you for hosting it! We love Walgreens for their vitamins and supplements. Probably sounds funny, but it's our go to fish oil store :)
choldinghowell at gmail dot com
I would purchase stuff like Walgreens Wal-Fex 24-Hour Allergy Relief 30 Tablets - 180 mg
I love Walgreen products and they always work.
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Tweeted here too
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
we use the Walgreen Brand Infant Ibuprofen Drops!
t_freckleton at yahoo.com
I want to try Wal-Dryl.
My son loves the Cavity Protection Fluoride Gel Toothpaste from Walgreens. It is their brand, but has the great bubble gum flavor and has Scooby-Doo on it.
savingmomssanity at gmail dot com
I tweeted!
savingmomssanity at gmail dot com
I love it when Walgreens has a sale. I stock up on ibuprofen, lotion, hair and skin products.....well, just about everything!! I have found that their products are just as good as the name brands.
I blogged about this giveaway at http://asavingmomssanity.blogspot.com/2011/06/saturdays-giveaways_18.html
savingmomssanity at gmail dot com
I would stock up on bandaids and ointment. My kids are always getting booboos.
i would def. get bandaids. i'm always needing those!
lauren51990 at aol dot com
If I win, I will purchase my daughter a natural sunscreen to protect her from the sun's strong rays.
Nguyenhkathy at gmail dot com
Nguyenhkathy at gmail dot com
I always get store brand pain medications like acetaminophen (AKA Tylenol) -- it's much cheaper and the same medication.
i always get my sunscreen at walgreens and it's that time of year again
I shop at Walgreens every week. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love store brands! They work just as well as the pricer name brands.
I've used Walgreens-brand aspirin, and it worked like a charm. Thanks!
jenmoldham (at) gmail (dot) com
I love pretty much everything at Wags! I buy the allergy medications and the vitamins.
I get sunblock and chapstick from Walgreens.
tweeted. https://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/82824650853335040
Baby ibuprofen. Dang two-year-old molars!
I'm definitely with you on the sunscreen! And, I'd probably get vitamins and supplements.
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I fill my prescriptions there and defiantly use their own brand products!
The main ones I get there are their generic pain relievers and allergy meds.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Diapers, diaper and more diapers. Ok, and maybe one new color of nail polish for me.
I buy most anything at Walgreens: generic Tylenol, allergy meds, nursing pads, sunscreen- you name it! It's much less stressful than walking through a huge store like Walmart. I check their sales often and find great deals, too.
When my husband almost cut off three fingers with a table saw, we stocked up on Walgreen's bandages and wrappings after his surgery.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I get most of my sunscreen at Walgreens! They have a great selection.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/KerryBishop/status/83343909312409600
I would buy Walgreens multivitamins, ibuprofen, first aid items, and medicated lip care.
I buy wipes,ibuprofen,mouthwash,sunscreen, ect...
I recently purchased the small travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste combo that Walgreen's has. It was half the price of the leading brand and was exactly what I was looking for!
ptreskovich at hotmail dot com
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/pattie43/status/83659704550694913
ptreskovich at hotmail dot com
With a new baby, I just discovered the Walgreens Baby SPF 60+ Pure & Gentle Sunscreen Stick. It's great!
CalifKitties {at} Aol {dot} com
I posted about this giveaway on my blog. Here is the link:
CalifKitties {at} Aol {dot} com
I have used the store brand of zyrtec and have been very impressed with it. Their store brand face scrub is also very nice.
I love our Walgreens! The staff are friendly and the store is clean. If I won the gift card, I'd stock up on diapers for my 1yr old, and probably some fun hair stuff for myself.
zucchinisummer AT gmail DOT com
I would like to try the sunscreen. We go through a lot of it during the summertime! mmburdette22 at yahoo dot com
I need to stuck up on some bandaids and sunscreen.
I use Walgreens to print photos and greeting cards all the time though
armadavolya at hotmail dot com
We ALWAYS have the Walgreens brand Pain Reliever in our house and I just recently purchased some sunscreen for my son!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Kitty32504/status/84634469599944704
kitty32504 at cox dot net
I use the Walgreens Sinus Congestion and Pain meds.
2ND ENTRY TWEET @ http://twitter.com/#!/kytah00/status/84772873054584832
I purchase almost all my beauty and hygiene products from Walgreens, they rock.
ksgillmore at yahoo dot com
I've purchased the Walgreens Ibuprofen. :)
We have gotten lots of prescription and suntan lotion and calamine lotion!
I would purchase some multi-vitamins for the family.
Speaking of the post partum regularity issues, I've used the Walgreens mint flavored milk of magnesia recently (had my little boy in May) and it works just as well as the name brands. I would recommend getting it flavored over unflavored though.
My email address is katetirabassi@msn.com
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