This is a joint giveaway cross-posted on Hobo Mama Reviews and Natural Parents Network. You may enter at one site only. Please find the section marked "Win it!" for the mandatory main entry and optional bonus entries.

(You can read my full account of Ina May Gaskin's presentation at Hobo Mama, and find Amy of Anktangle's take on her blog.)
Birth Matters
The book is described here as "a spirited manifesta showing us how to trust women, value birth, nurture families, and reconcile modern life with a process as old as our species." I've resisted reading this copy so I don't ruin it for the winner, and I'm still in line for it at the library. But in a brief flip-through, I'm already entranced.
Don't you adore the cover? That's Ina May herself with her newborn son Samuel.
The book is worth $17 (plus the priceless autograph!), and I will gladly mail it anywhere in the world.
The contest ends June 6, because it's my anniversary and sounds pretty. I'll most likely even have gone through my next birth by then!

Here's my stalker-ish proof that I stood in line for the autograph!

For your own chance to win a signed copy of Birth Matters, enter in the comments below! Contest is open WORLDWIDE.MAIN ENTRY: Tell me something you like about midwives. (It will be a little midwife love-fest!)
Leave an email address in at least one of your comments if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. (You can write it like this to foil spambots: mail {at} hobomama {dot} com or similar.)
This is a joint giveaway with Hobo Mama Reviews and Natural Parents Network, a site bringing together those interested in attachment parenting and a natural lifestyle. You may do any bonus entries at one site only, and we'll be recording IP addresses to ensure there are no duplicate entries. That said, please do check out and enjoy both sites!
BONUS ENTRIES, to increase your chance of winning (leave a separate comment for each so I can count them all):
- Leave a relevant comment on my post on Hobo Mama about the Ina May presentation "Birth Works" and comment back here that you've done so.
- Leave a relevant comment on Amy's post on Anktangle about "Birth Works" and comment back here that you've done so.
- Follow through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama RSS feed in a reader or by email (1 entry for each).
- Follow publicly through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama Reviews RSS feed in a reader or by email (1 entry for each).
- Subscribe to Natural Parents Network in a reader or by email.
- Leave a relevant comment on a non-giveaway article at Hobo Mama and tell us which post (comment on separate posts for up to 3 entries total).
- Leave a relevant comment on a non-giveaway article at Natural Parents Network and tell us which post (comment on separate posts for up to 3 entries total).
- Follow @Hobo_Mama on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Follow @NatParNet on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Tweet about this giveaway (up to 5 times total, at least 24 hours apart). You can tweet this text: #Win a signed copy of #Birth Matters, by #midwife Ina May Gaskin, in a @Hobo_Mama #giveaway! {6.6, Worldwide}
- Like Hobo Mama on Facebook.
- Like Natural Parents Network on Facebook.
- Follow Hobo Mama on Networked Blogs.
- Post this giveaway on your Facebook page or wall and leave the link (1 entry). You can use this status update: Win an autographed copy of the inspiring book Birth Matters, by midwife Ina May Gaskin, from @Hobo Mama. Contest ends June 6 and is open WORLDWIDE.
Be sure to attach the contest URL to your update! (This is not part of the status text!) - Enter another of my current giveaways or the giveaways on Natural Parents Network (1 extra entry per giveaway — check back for more!).
- Put my Hobo Mama button on your website or add to your text blogroll for 2 extra entries each. The HTML code for the button is in the sidebar. Leave your site URL in the comment.
- Put the Natural Parents Network badge on your website or add to your text blogroll for 2 extra entries each. The HTML code for the badge is in the sidebar. Leave your site URL in the comment.
- Contest open worldwide.
- Contestants may enter at either Hobo Mama Reviews or Natural Parents Network but not both. Entries will be combined for the drawing of a single winner.
- Leave each entry as a separate comment so I can count them all.
- For actions like following and subscribing, if you already follow or subscribe, just let me know in your comment.
- For tasks that garner you multiple entries, you can copy and paste the comment with a #1, #2, etc.
- You don't have to do any of the bonus entries, but you do have to complete the first mandatory one.
- I will pick the winner through after the contest closes and send an email notification. Leave an email address in your comment if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. If I can't reach a winner or don't hear back within a couple days, I'll draw a new name.
- Any questions, let me know: mail {at}
Contest closes June 6 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
Disclosure: I purchased the book myself and
stood in line for the autograph. :)
Amazon links are affiliate.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
That's how I roll. See my full disclosure policy here.
stood in line for the autograph. :)
Amazon links are affiliate.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
That's how I roll. See my full disclosure policy here.
First entry! I love midwives because they trust women's bodies! They know that birth is a natural process and they are there to facilitate that natural process, not to interfere with needless interventions!
liked hobo mama on facebook!
liked NPN on facebook!
following hobo mama on networked blogs!
commented on amy's post at anktangle
I love that my midwives took the time to sit down and talk with me. I also LOVED that they came to my house to do the first few post-natal visits!
I commented on the post over at Hobo Mama.
I subscribe to Hobo Mama via Google Reader!
I subscribe to NPN.
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commented on hobo mama post
posted giveaway status with link!
following NPN on twitter (@doulacate)
Ina May is my hero :) Thanks for sharing <3
following hobo mama on twitter (@doulacate)
posted the tweet (@doulacate)
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My homebirth was made possible (and amazing) by my midwives Amanda and Jamie. They were so calm and that made me calm. They were so supportive and we just let my body do the work! I am so blessed by the experience-- and a healthy baby boy (now 9 months!) I love Ina May -- have her two Guides and would love this one! Her stories inspire and let us know that birth, just, is.
you can read my copy with dirt on your hands if you let me win it. i love ina may so much. pick meeeeeee!
I love the pictures from the conference! I too love the cover of this book... hopefully next time will be natural homebirth time for me, yay!
What I love about midwives is that they LISTEN to both what the mother is saying and what her body is feeling. We need more OBs to have this approach, that women in labor are WOMEN and not just patients.
Commented on Anktangle
Reposted link on facebook
Already "liked" Hobo Mama on fb!
Already "liked" NPN on fb!
Subscribed to Hobo Mama RSS feed on google reader
Subscribed to Hobo Mama Reviews RSS on google reader
Following Hobo Mama on twitter @suzileigh
Following NatParNet on twitter @suzileigh
Subscribed to NPN on google reader
Tweeted giveaway @suzileigh
NPN badge added to blog!
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Commented on
Following Hobo Mama on networked blogs
Entered Who They Really Are giveaway at NPN!
Added Hobo Mama badge to blog!
Commented on other Ina May post at Hobo Mama
What's not to like about a midwife? I love that my midwife spends as much time with me as I need at each appointment, I love that she trusts my body, I love that during my daughter's birth she left me alone with my partner to birth in privacy the way I needed to until it was time for me to push and her to catch my daughter and encouraging me the whole time, I loved that my midwife never checked my progress to see how dilated or what not I was during labor. I could keep going...
can't believe you stood in the same room with ina may!
she's such a mythic figure in my mind that it seems so other-wordly to me that she is a real person who still deigns to appear to an audience of mere mortals...
#3 following hobo mama at blogspot
I Like Hobo Mama on Facebook
I like NPN on FB.
moving to hk this summer, but i should still be in new york when the drawing comes up for this...
love the hobo mama blog in general...sending you happy homebirthing baby vibes >>>>>>>
Subscribed to Hobo Mama thru e-mail.
i like even numbers and since the drawing will be done on june 6th, i'll end with entry #6!
I'm entering! Great giveaway :)
marymichaelpontzer at gmail dot com
I love that midwives view birth as a normal event and not a medical emergency waiting to happen.
I'm an RSS subscriber.
@bishopstaci is following you on Twitter.
I "liked" your page on FB.
She is just amazing! If I don't win the book, I'll go buy it on Amazon :)
I'm the proud mama of a 19-month-old boy who was born at home, with a midwife and a doula. The thing I love most about midwives is the time they invest in you! In this day and age of rushed medical appointments, it was a luxury and a joy to spend an hour or more at each midwife visit. Sometimes I had lots of questions or we had important things to discuss, sometimes we just talked. It was wonderful!
Oops, forgot to add my e-mail:
allana {dot} giesbrecht {at} gmail {dot} com
I commented on the post on Hobo Mama.
I "liked" Hobo Mama on Facebook.
I love midwives because they're the only ones in our town who assist with water births.
skmohr7 at yahoo dot om
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skmohr7 at yahoo dot com
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skmohr7 at yahoo dot com
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skmohr7 at yahoo dot com
Greetings from Malaysia!
I attended an antenatal course and also hired the same trainers (who are experienced UK midwives) to do post natal visits to my home after the delivery of my 1st child as they really helped us a lot in understanding birth, breastfeeding and baby care. Until today (2 years on) I still kept in touch with them as I'm forever grateful to meet and to learn from them!
~ Jenny
My email is: imafulltimemummy at gmail dot com
My blog URL is: ( )
Greetings from Malaysia!
I left a comment in your post on Ina May presentation.
My comment was:
"What a breathtaking and moving video of the elephant giving birth! Thank you so much for sharing this post and I would really like to win that copy of the book!"
~ Jenny
My email is: imafulltimemummy at gmail dot com
My blog URL is: ( )
Greetings from Malaysia! I'm already a follower of your blog via Google Friend Connect.
My email is: imafulltimemummy at gmail dot com
My blog URL is: ( )
Greetings from Malaysia! Followed you on Facebook!
My email is: imafulltimemummy at gmail dot com
My Facebook ID: Chin Jenny
My blog URL is: ( )
I love their patience.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
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ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
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ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
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ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
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ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
Okay so I have to say just ONE thing I love about midwives?! I love that midwives trust the mother's ability to bring her baby into the world and understand the most basics of mammals birthing their babies. They know that mothers need cool, quiet places where they feel protected and loved. They know that birth isn't just a physical event but an emotional and mental and spiritual journey!
I follow Hobo Mama on GFC!
Left a comment on your Ina May post on your other blog!
Second twitter entry! @suzileigh
I love midwives because they trust women's bodies! They are empowering and supportive during birth!
I left a comment on your Ina May post!
I like you on facebook!
I like NPN on facebook too!
I've never had a midwife, but I hope to with my next pregnancy. I like how midwives spend more time with moms, give them personalized care, and support the natural birthing process.
I subscribe to Hobo Mama's RSS feed.
I follow @Hobo Mama on twitter: @themilkmama
also following Natural Parents on Twitter @themilkmama
left a comment on your Ina May post!
3rd twitter entry! @suzileigh
already follow you on twitter! @moonflowerlc
Just liked you on Facebook!
What do I love about midwives - well EVERYTHING! The one on one care during my pregnancy was priceless.
jhulands (at) hotmail (dot) come
following on twitter
following NatPat on Twitter :)
Already a fan on Facebook :)
But a new fan with Natural Parenting on facebook :)
Updated my status with link :)
Add the Hobo Mama badge to my blog
Add the Natural Parents badge to my blog
Just tweeted :) @tinkabel
4th twitter entry!! @suzileigh
Midwives always take the time to answer your questions, explain anything, AND hold your hand!
I also follow hobo mama on twitter! Thanks! (mostlybliss)
I'm also following natural parenting on twitter (mostlybliss)
I tweeted about the contest too!
I just tweeted again! Thanks!!!/mostlybliss/status/72606971387318272
jenmoldham (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the way midwives trust birth! <3
5th twitter entry! (and my last entry!) @suzileigh
I love that midwives (most of them) fight for our right to birth as we choose.
left comment on "Birth Works" blog post.
left comment on Antangle
hobomama gfc follower,
hobo mama rss subscriber,
hobomamareviews gfc follower.
hobomamareviews rss subscriber.
natural parents network rss subscriber.
I love so many things about midwifes. Particularly that they spend countless, selfless hours assisting woman in one of the most powerful, life changing events mostly for the love of it.
jrhammlett (@)
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facebook status update
I entered the Who They Really Are Giveaway
I entered the Curly Monkey Giveaway
I commented on Introducing Alrik, born at home May 21
Midwives are special people sent to be our advocates and partners for us and our family during one of the most life changing events we experience.
meanderingwoman {at} gmail {dot} com
We empower women to have a choice in their birth process. I am thankful to be @CALLED2MIDWIFE on twitter sharing the ups and downs of being with women.
I love that midwives help women trust in their bodies, and that they do not lean on common interventions used in hospitals (epidural, forceps, etc.)
I also love that they support birthing in whatever position is comfortable for the mother!
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
GFC follow (Kristy AC / Manager to Mom)
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
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kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
Email subscribe to Natural Parents Network
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Follow Hobo Mama on Twitter (@managertomom)
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
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kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
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kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
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kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
Grabbed NatParNet button for my blog #1 (see left sidebar)
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Grabbed NatParNet button for my blog #2 (see left sidebar)
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
Networked Blogs follow (Kristy AC)
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
I love midwives who listen & truly care about the women & families they work with.
just added your button to my blog
already like you on fb
you're on my blogroll. twice. lol
lisacauthers {at} g mail {dot} com
I subscribe in Google Reader
I follow hobo mama with friend connect
I follow hobo mama with twitter @edenwild
I follow natparnet on twitter @edenwild
Now liking Natural Parents Network on fb. Why haven't I done that already? Already left a few comments :)
I love that midwives will exhaust the least invasive interventions before they resort to interventions that are more risky.
I'm so grateful for the midwife that delivered my son! I swear she saved me from a c-section!!!
Okay, last one, this is exhausting, lol. I added the Natparnet badge to my site.
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
I love that there more friendly and actually care, unlike dr's who treat you like a number.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
One thing I love about midwives - No sitting on an uncomfy, intimating exam table for appointments!
I subscribe to Hobo Mama.
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I follow @Hobo_Mama from @justpureness.
I follow @NatParNet from @justpureness.
I tweeted this giveaway!
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I love that my midwife really listened to my concerns, and didn't treat me like an idiot.
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I have tweeted this post.
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I follow hobomama on twitter @nilatti
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I love midwives beacuse they CARE . About babies, about women, about nature.
Ina mays books inspired me to become a midwife myself.
I subscribe to hobomama through google reader
I love midwives because they recognize that birth is (almost always) a natural event rather than a medical emergency.I love midwives because they understand that taking the time to know the mama and her family/support people is an important component to a healthy birth. I especially love my midwives for the peace and quiet they provided my husband and I while I was laboring; no lights, no intrusive sounds, no unnecessary examinations.
I love midwives because they're the only ones that seem to remember that women were born to birth children. It's not an illness.
rachel [at] copious gypsy [dot] com
I would love to win a copy of this book, Im due in Sept and am doing a HBAC so the more that I can read the better! Love your blog!
Oops! Didn't realize I needed to say what I loved about midwives in order to enter. I love midwives because they trust you and your body. :-)
kristy dot anstett at gmail dot com
I like the fact that they are more caring and give you personlize care and treat you like a human and not a number.
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