This is a joint giveaway with Hobo Mama Reviews and Natural Parents Network. You may enter at one site only. Please find the section marked "Win it!" for the mandatory main entry and optional bonus entries.
Mothering magazine is offering my readers a giveaway of a free one-year subscription!

This giveaway is open worldwide, with this small caveat:
- If the winner is in the U.S., the subscription can be your choice of digital or print.
- Any winner living elsewhere will receive the marvelous digital subscription.
Before anyone internationally feels left out thinking about a digital subscription, let me say that I have a digital subscription, and I love it! (Click here for a free sample of the digital interface, and read more below.) The best part? Because this giveaway ends so close to the holidays, a digital subscription could be a perfect Christmas gift with immediate shipping! If there's a new parent you know who could use encouragement, this subscription could be just the right thing.
If you're a current Mothering subscriber, you can extend your subscription by a year, or you could choose to give your prize subscription as a gift to someone special.
Mothering's mission and reach

Either subscription is for one year, which is six issues total. That's six issues of information, advice, and inspiration. It's like having a knowledgeable and loving big sibling talk you through parenting.
Topics covered throughout a range of issues include natural birth, thoughtful prenatal care, breastfeeding, cosleeping and the family bed, babywearing, cloth diapering, gentle discipline, consensual living, alternative schooling, holistic health, and more. If that just made your heart go pitter-pat, Mothering is the magazine for you.

Plus, it's visually such a gorgeous magazine. The cover images of adorable tots always make me smile, and even the ads inside are appealing, because they're for products and companies

You can see my previous comparison of Mothering to conventional parenting magazines to see why I prefer seeing this one in my mailbox or inbox. is also a fabulous resource. The website offers original and reprinted content, natural products for sale, and perhaps most importantly, the community aspect of a thriving online forum where you can connect with other like-minded parents.
The new digital version
After receiving the print subscription for several years, I decided to switch to the digital version with my latest renewal, and I've been very happy with it.

I love the eco-friendliness (no paper and ink, no gas used in the freight) and frugality (only $4.95!) of the digital option. I love how I can keep all my back issues handy by just referencing the link in my email. The subscription is delivered to me immediately upon publishing, and I can enjoy it at any time. I can search by keyword and flip pages for skimming as I desire. You can print articles to share with friends, just as you might

All of the aspects of the print version are included in the digital: front cover, table of contents, ads, letters to the editor, everything. It's an exact digital replica of the print magazine.
To browse through a sample digital issue and test out the interface, click here. You can zoom onto each page to view at reading size, or stay zoomed out to browse. Links within the text are hyperlinked so you can click to go immediately to the referenced websites. Only a standard internet connection and browser are needed to view the digital subscription, no software to download. I haven't had any problems with loading or lag times. You can see the contents and pages at a glance along the left side so you can quickly find the article you want.
One of my favorite perks of having the digital version? You can read it on your laptop while nursing your little one to sleep in a dark room!

Print subscriptions start at $22.95 (U.S.) for one year to the United States. Canadian and other international subscribers add $13 per year. Print subscriptions typically enter you into

Digital subscriptions start at $4.95 for one year and are available internationally.
Both forms can be given as a gift subscription, perfect for a holiday present.
For your chance to win a Mothering magazine subscription, enter in the comments below!
Contest is open worldwide: Readers everywhere can win a digital subscription, and readers in the United States can choose between digital and print. This giveaway ends December 22, making a digital subscription a perfect last-minute Christmas gift!

Leave an email address in at least one of your comments if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. (You can write it like this to foil spambots: mail {at} hobomama {dot} com or similar.)
This is a joint giveaway with Hobo Mama Reviews and Natural Parents Network, a new site co-founded by Lauren of Hobo Mama & Dionna of Code Name: Mama and intending to bring together those interested in attachment parenting and a natural lifestyle. You may enter at one site only, and we'll be recording IP addresses to ensure that there are no duplicate entries. That said, please do check out and enjoy both sites!
BONUS ENTRIES, to increase your chance of winning (leave a separate comment for each so I can count them all):
- Tell me whether you'd want the print or digital subscription.
- Tell me if you've had a subscription before.
- Tell me what you like best about the digital version.
- Sign up for the newsletters.
- Subscribe to the RSS feed.
- Follow publicly through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama Reviews RSS feed in a reader or by email (1 entry for each).
- Follow through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama RSS feed in a reader or by email (1 entry for each).
- Subscribe to Natural Parents Network in a reader or by email.
- Follow @MotheringMag on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Follow @Hobo_Mama on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Follow @NatParNet on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Tweet about this giveaway (up to 5 times total, at least 24 hours apart). You can use the retweet button at the top of the post or tweet this text: Enter to #win a 1-year subscription to @MotheringMag via @Hobo_Mama & @NatParNet! {12.22, Worldwide}
- Like Mothering Magazine on Facebook.
- Like Hobo Mama on Facebook.
- Like Natural Parents Network on Facebook.
- Post this giveaway on your Facebook page or wall and leave the link.
- Enter another of my current giveaways or the giveaways on Natural Parents Network (1 extra entry per giveaway — check back for more).
- Put my Hobo Mama button on your website or add to your text blogroll for 2 extra entries each. The HTML code for the button is in the sidebar. Leave your site URL in the comment.
- Put the Natural Parents Network badge on your website or add to your text blogroll for 2 extra entries each. The HTML code for the badge is on the front page of Leave your site URL in the comment.

- Contest open worldwide for a digital subscription, U.S. only for print.
- Contestants may enter at either Hobo Mama Reviews or Natural Parents Network but not both. Entries will be combined for the drawing of a single winner.
- Leave each entry as a separate comment so I can count them all.
- For actions like following and subscribing, if you already follow or subscribe, just let me know in your comment.
- For tasks that garner you multiple entries, you can copy and paste the comment with a #1, #2, etc.
- You don't have to do any of the bonus entries, but you do have to complete the first mandatory one.
- I will pick the winner through after the contest closes and send an email notification. Leave an email address in your comment if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. If I can't reach a winner or don't hear back within a couple days, I'll draw a new name.
- Any questions, let me know: mail {at}
Contest closes December 22 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
Disclosure: I paid for my own Mothering subscriptions.
I did not receive any compensation or product for review.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
See my full disclosure policy here.
I did not receive any compensation or product for review.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
See my full disclosure policy here.
Far-Off Adventures by Sherri J. Tenpenny
Issue 120, September-October 2003
Thanks for the opportunity!
forsurveysonly at gmail dot com
Since we'll be traveling by plane twice in the next year, this article will be a lifesaver for me - This looks like an AWESOME magazine!
I would love a print copy - I like having something tangible that I can page through, especially on long car drives.
I subscribed to's newsletter.
I like Hobo Mama on Facebook.
I like Mothering Magazine on Facebook.
Shared on Facebook -!/stephanie.hanes1/posts/137358396318653
I found a new recipe! Gluten-Free Bundt Cake with Apricot-Orange Glaze. So perfect, it covers all the dietary restrictions from my Mom group!
drumminor83 (at)
I have never had subscription, even though I have asked for one since the first one I picked up and didn't feel so alone any more! That was before awesome blogs.
I love the search feature in the digital version, to quickly get to what I want to read about then.
I get newsletter.
I follow on Google Reader.
I follow in Google Reader.
I follow Natural Parent Network on Google Reader.
I follow Hobo_Mama on Twitter as RealMommy.
I follow @NatParNet as RealMommy.
I like Mothering Mag on Facebook.
I like Hobo Mama on Facebook.
I like Natural Parents Network on Facebook.
Though I like the digital copy, I would prefer the print copy so it is easy for me to access any time!
Mothering is what started me on the road to AP.
ADHD and Diet: How food effect mood looks like a good article. I'm bookmarking it. :)
I'd like the digital version, for the green aspects of it.
Oops, already answered another of the entries. :) I like that the digital version doesn't kill trees.
I follow @MotheringMag on Twitter. I'm @growwithgraces.
I follow @Hobo_Mama on Twitter. (@growwithgraces)
I follow @NatParNet on Twitter. (@growwithgraces)
I like Hobo Mama on Facebook.
I already have the NPN badge on my site,
I already have the NPN badge on my site, -- entry 2
The "Let the Baby Decide" article looks good. I felt like that when I was pregnant. When my son was ready he would come out. The article is a case against inducement.
I would love a digital subscription!
greeba At mac dot com
I have never subscribed but I've always wanted to!!
greeba At mac dot com
What I like about the digital version is that it won't add to my already-cluttered house!!
I subscribed to the All Feeds via google reader.
I subscribed to HMR via RSS Google Reader!
I followed Hobo Mama on Google Reader RSS feed
I follow MotheringMag on Twitter!!
I followed Hobo_Mama on Twitter
I followed @NatParNet on Twitter
I like Mothering Magazine on FB
I liked Hobo Mama on FB
I liked Natural Parents Network on FB
I put the Natural Parent badge on my blog
I put the Natural Parent badge on my blog
Far-Off Adventures by Sherri J. Tenpenny
Issue 120, September-October 2003
The "Close Your Eyes, Listen to the Skies" article sounds great. I'm always on the lookout for eco-friendly and safe-for-kids toys that I won't feel guilty about.
marthaheather at gmail dot com
i love their articles about extended nursing.. definitely soak in all the info from ALL the articles!
pulchrabliss at hotmail dot com
"they saw it all"! It relates very much to me right now, with the upcoming addition to our family.
Donna dot fogarty at yahoo dot com
I'd love the print nostalgic of me ;)
I liked mothering magazine on FB!
I love the articles about cloth diapering.
GFC follower (Mel)
I would want the print subscription so I could read it while on my lunch break.
I have never had a subscription but I would love one!
I like the search feature in the digital version because it will help me find something quick instead of just looking and looking myself.
Subscribed to Natural Parents Network in a Google reader
Subscribed to newsletter
Email subscriber to Hobo Mama
Subscribed to feed through Google
I absolutely love Mothering magazine!
alexandrialane at gmail dot com
I would love to receive a print subscription.
I have had a subscription to Mothering before and LOVED every page of it!
I follow Hobo Mama on Facebook.
I "like" Mothering magazine on Facebook.
I "like"the Natural Parents Network on Facebook.
I am re-posting the giveaway information on my Facebook page.
I receive the Mothering newsletter.
Thank you for this opportunity!!!
I love Mothering Magazine! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Semicrunchymama at hotmail dot com
If I won I'd want the print treat to myself is to wait until my son was asleep, then snuggle up on the couch w/ the new issue and a cup of tea!
Semicrunchymama at hotmail dot com
I had a two-year subscription that ran out wit the July/August issue, and I can't tell you how much I miss it (and how difficult it has been to find copies anywhere locally!)
Semicrunchymama at hotmail dot com
I already subsrcibe to the newsletter.
(And I forgot to state what article looks interesting to me in my Main Entry -- sorry about the oversight! How could I pick just one? I'm interested in reading "They Saw it All" because I'm expecting our second child in March. "The Magic of Christmas" sounds like an insightful read, because now that our son is 2 1/2 we're wondering how to approach the whole Santa-thing, and I'm eager to read "It's a Gift" because I've caught the crafting bug and have been having such fun creating!
Semicrunchymama at hotmail dot com
I already subscribe to Mothering.vom's RSS feed.
Semicrunchymama at hotmail dot com
I am interested in the article "Lessons in Public Breastfeeding".
I would want the print subscription.
I have been a Mothering subscriber for a year, and would use this to renew my subscription!
I already like Mothering on Facebook.
I am subscribed to the Mothering email newsletter.
I like Hobo Mama on Facebook. (Karen Wheeler Tompkins)
I am following Hobo_Mama on Twitter. @luvs_chicago
I am following MotheringMag on Twitter. @luvs_chicago
I am following NatParNet on Twitter. @luvs_chicago
I like Natural Parents Network on Facebook. (Karen Wheeler Tompkins)
I entered to win the amber necklace.
I entered to win the amber necklace
this interested me:
I have never had a subscription before
I'd prefer the print version
twitter follow them -kgail11
I would love to have a copy of this...I learned about attachment parenting (the term) from Mothering. Turns out I was naturally doing it :)
I enjoyed looking at these articles on the Mothering website: "Natural Childbirth in the Hospital: Is It possible? --
and also
"Hold Me Close: The Many Advantages to Wearing Your Baby" --
I would enjoy the print version, because it's more comfortable for me (but if I had a laptop computer I wouldn't mind the digital!).
I've never had a subscription to Mothering before, but would love to try it out, the articles look great!
I follow as ACMommy on GFC :)
I subscribe to your emails and enjoy them!! :)
I browsed through the Digital sample issue, and was very impressed with the clear format and easy-to-read set up, it's great!
Wow! I love this magazine. One article on the site that looks interesting to read - "The Magic of Christmas"
I did have a subscription once, it was a gift. The articles in the magazine are so touching and informative!
Thanks for the opportunity to win, outside of the US.
saraleigh (at) shaw (dot) com
I liked Mothering Magazine on Facebook.
I liked Hobo Mama on Facebook.
I Just clicked over and got sucked into reading about Mama Yoga! My email is pocket.buddha {at} gmail {dot} com
I follow you on twitter! I am @pocketbuddha
I like print subscriptions because I like to keep mags around for collage projects.
I just officially followed you through google friend connect... It's nice to make things official!
I just signed up for the newsletter!
I follow @MotheringMag on twitter
I follow @NarParNet on twitter! I am @pocketbuddha
I just added the Natural Parents Network button to my blog
I just added the Natural Parents Network to my Blogroll at
I would love the digital magazine!
I have not had a subscription before.
Digital magazine - going green!
Just checked out because it was perfect for what I have been thinking and writing about in regards to my own family.
I would actually like the print because I have more time to read it.
I have never bought a subscription before, but have always wanted to!
Following @MotheringMag on twitter as @clementinenw
I follow @Hobo_Mama on twitter as @clementinenw
I'm pregnant (due around the same time as you, I think) so "How Childbirth Went Industrial: A Deconstruction" looks interesting to me.
I don't know if I fully understand how the website works. I noticed some of your other readers left comments about being interested in reading old articles, but I'm having a hard time finding past articles on I read an old issue from the library that had an article on breastfeeding and PPD. I really wanted to share the article on facebook, but I can't find it on any advice?
I'd like the print version. The only time I ever have to read is in the bath or in line at the store, so the digital version wouldn't really work for me.
I haven't ever had a subscription. I've always just checked out the magazine at the library or gotten old copies from friends.
I subscribed to the newsletter. I can't believe I didn't realize they had one before now!
I subscribed to the newsletter. I can't believe I didn't realize they had one before now!
I follow HoboMamaReviews
I follow HoboMama thru Google
I subscribe to Hobo Mama via email (xela baxter at gmail dot com)
I like Mothering mag on FB
I like Hobo Mama on FB
I like Natural Parents Network on FB
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