Friday, July 23, 2010

Hobo Mama Giveaway: Libre Tea Glass — loose-leaf tea on the go! {8.12; US/Can} CLOSED

This giveaway is now closed. View the winner here! Thank you all so much for entering!

I love loose-leaf tea, but it can be a lot harder to take with you than other drinks … until:

The Libre tea glass!

Libre Tea is offering my readers a giveaway of a Libre Glass 'n Poly tea glass — perfect for sipping your favorite loose-leaf tea on the go!

I live in Seattle, which is a coffee-loving city. I feel a little out of place without an ever-present cappuccino or latte to carry with me.

Fortunately, the tea culture has also grown stronger, and there are so many yummy, high-quality teas to sample and tea shops to visit, and loose-leaf varieties have become the astute drinker's tea of choice for many ecological, economical, and delectable reasons. I now have a full cupboard of delicious teas, but till now I had no way to take them with me like all those cool coffee drinkers.

That's why I was so excited to receive the Libre tea poly 'n glass to review. Now I can look like the cool kids, or even better, since my glass is so unique and aesthetically pleasing. And speaking of cool, this glass works perfectly for iced tea as well as hot, perfect for the summer months!

The first thing you need to know about the Libre is that it's pretty. Oh, so pretty.

These are all the parts. It's simple, which is good, and it all feels like very high quality. The box includes instructions for how to use the glass, which you can also read on Libre Tea's website and even watch a couple little videos they have. In the picture, you can see the two parts to the top: the filter at left and the cap at right. It's best to handwash the glass, but it's easy enough to do.

This is the poly 'n glass version. There's also a glass 'n glass version, if you prefer all-natural materials. All glasses are made in China. Both versions are double-walled and thermal to keep hot tea hot and cold tea cold. The poly 'n glass version is a little lighter and less breakable (good if you're going to be slinging it around in a bag, or are just clumsy like me!). The glass 'n glass keeps hot tea hot for slightly longer. The difference in price is only a dollar. The poly 'n glass model has two different ways to brew, and I prefer the method that the glass 'n glass does not allow (see below). For me, the poly 'n glass is the better choice.

So, there are two ways to brew tea with the Libre poly 'n glass. This is the way I prefer, which is to fill the glass with boiling (or near-boiling) water up to the bottom of the filter, screw the filter onto the top of the glass, put your loose-leaf tea into the filter, and then flip it upside down to brew. When it's done brewing, you can flip it back over, remove the filter and cap as one, and drink from the glass once the tea has cooled to the right temperature for you.

The other way works for the glass 'n glass as well, which is to put the tea into the glass, then screw on the filter, pour boiling water in, then drink. I prefer the upside-down brewing (which is not possible with the glass 'n glass) if I don't have a separate teacup to pour it into after brewing; otherwise, the tea steeps too long for my taste before it's cool enough to drink. When trying it out that way and trying not to oversteep my tea, I ended up burning my tongue (oh, poor me!).

Note that you can also use tea bags with the Libre tea glass; there's no law against it! So whatever you have or is easy for you, feel free to pop your tea into the filter, screw on the lid, and then tuck the glass into your bag to bring with you. Then when you're at work, on a hike, at a coffeeshop, or over at a friend's house, all you need is to bum some hot water and your tea will be ready in minutes!

This shows the tea brewing upside down. Please follow the directions, which I didn't do, to allow 2-3 minutes to pass after adding the boiling water for the water to cool slightly and steam to escape before screwing on the filter and cap and turning upside down. Otherwise, you will have some leaks of hot water, which could be a disaster if you put your glass near your laptop or day planner! Once I let the steam out and made sure the cap was absolutely secure, I had no problems with leaks, so just be obedient, unlike me.

I took this picture to demonstrate that the filter, though it looks like the holes are wide, will contain most types of loose-leaf teas. The first tea I chose, a black tea, did not drift at all through the filter. The second tea I chose specifically because it had smaller flakes, and only a few specks were left in the glass at the end, not even enough to do a tea-leaf reading! It might depend on your specific tea preferences, but the filter works effectively for me. I hear, though, that they're considering a finer mesh for the future for customers who prefer very small-leafed tea.

Once your tea is steeped, drink up! 

If you want your tea chilled, simply prepare it in advance, adding sweeteners like honey when it's still hot enough to mix in as desired, and then store the glass in the fridge or add ice cubes for an iced version. Ah! Sweet summery goodness, and it will stay cold for quite awhile. 

I found it was also possible to rebrew the leaves that were left in the filter, so you can save on tea in that way. In fact, I liked one of my brews better the second time around! I poured the hot water directly through the filled filter on that occasion, and it brewed it almost instantaneously and was really rich without being overdone.

You can also use the Libre tea glass for any beverage that you think would benefit from being shown off in an elegant, see-through glass, so if you run out of tea while you're out, you could always refill the glass with water or some other beverage. The poly 'n glass holds about 9 ounces of liquid, which is the same size as one of our teacups at home. I did a quick search, and it seems like traditional teacups are about 6 ounces, whereas oversized mugs can be much bigger. At any rate, 9 ounces felt like a good tea amount for me!

Here is a completely pointless video to demonstrate what happens when you let your 3-year-old help you do product reviews:

But, as you can see, he loves the tea glass, too!

By the way, after watching Wendy of Libre Tea's videos, I realize Mikko and I are (mis)pronouncing Libre more the Spanish way, but she's doing more of a French version — my high-school Spanish kicked in by accident, but now you'll know better.

So now tea lovers can be as hip as coffee lovers — if not more so! Enjoy your tea on the go with the Libre tea glass.


You can purchase the Libre tea glass at at $24 for a glass 'n poly model (the one I reviewed) or $25 for a glass 'n glass model (at left). You can also shop on Amazon.

Libre Tea ships glasses readily to the U.S. and Canada from warehouses located in each country, and you can contact by email for other international shipping quotes. If you are in British Columbia, Alberta, or Ontario, Canada, you can also find the Libre at several retail locations. There is a distributing company within the U.S. and Canada as well, so you could check likely retail locations near you (natural food stores, tea shops) to see if it's stocked there yet, and recommend it if not.


For your own chance to win a Libre Tea Glass, enter in the comments below! Contest is open to U.S. & Canada.

MAIN ENTRY: Visit Libre Tea and tell me how you would use your tea glass!

Leave an email address in at least one of your comments if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. (You can write it like this to foil spambots: mail (at) hobomama (dot) com or similar.)

BONUS ENTRIES, to increase your chance of winning (leave a separate comment for each so I can count them all):

  • Contest open to United States & Canadian mailing addresses only.
  • Leave each entry as a separate comment so I can count them all.
  • For actions like following and subscribing, if you already follow or subscribe, just let me know in your comment.
  • For tasks that garner you multiple entries, you can copy and paste the comment with a #1, #2, etc.
  • You don't have to do any of the bonus entries, but you do have to complete the first mandatory one.
  • I will pick the winner through after the contest closes and send an email notification. Leave an email address in your comment if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win. If I can't reach a winner or don't hear back within a couple days, I'll draw a new name.
  • Any questions, let me know: mail {at}

Contest closes August 12 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.

Disclosure: I received a free Libre Tea glass for review.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
That's how I roll. See my full disclosure policy here.
Thank you to Maman A Droit for passing this
opportunity to me since she doesn't drink tea!


Megan Earley said...

I'd use this at my office.
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

I would use this out and about everywhere! I wish I drank more tea, but motherhood is so exhausting and time consuming (and awesome) that to actually brew some tea and sit down with a mug seems like mission impossible. info at mamaandbabylove dot com.

en0ush said...

I commented on Libre Tea's "A Toast to Canada"

en0ush said...
I'd use this for bringing my tea with me to work, when I'm doing research, and traveling.

en0ush said...

I liked LibreTeas on Facebook

en0ush said...

I liked HoboMama on Facebook.

Amber said...

I would use this at work. I've been suspicious of teabags ever since I read that the chemicals they use to make the paper strong enough to survive the brewing process probably have all kinds of carcinogens and stuff in them. This would solve that problem! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Any stay at home Mom can tell you how we do anything but stay at home. I'd love one of these to take on the go!

Unknown said...

I like hobo mama on facebook

amylane at luckymail dot com

Sarah Siwicki said...

I received a bunch of loose leaf teas for Christmas that I just haven't got around to drinking, because I am always on the go! The Libre Tea Glass would be perfect for me to take my loose leaf and flower teas to work, or just for a morning walk. Thanks for the chance to win :o)
monkeychild92 at gmail dot com

Sarah Siwicki said...

I'm a brand new blog follower :o)
monkeychild92 at gmail dot com

Sarah Siwicki said...

I 'like' Libre Tea on FB
monkeychild92 at gmail dot com

Sarah Siwicki said...

I 'like' Hobo Mama on FB too
monkeychild92 at gmail dot com

Sara said...

I would use my Libre Tea glass everyday! I'm a teacher and I love to boil water and then take my tea to school!

April O'neil said...

I love tea i cant get enough of it hot and cold and im always on the go with 2 kids so haveing this would be so much easier and fun to use...

April O'neil said...

I commented on Libre Tea's "A Toast to Canada"

Anonymous said...

I would carry this with me everywhere put it in a backpack or bag and shop in little tea shops for tea leaves.

April O'neil said...

i learned at the libres site that even if you have loose tea leaves in the bottle it has a filter so you wont get the tea leave on your mouth...very usefull

April O'neil said...

im a google friend connect

April O'neil said...

liked libre tea on facebook

April O'neil said...

i liked hobo mama on facebook

April O'neil said...

following hobo mama on networked blogs on facebook

April O'neil said...

i put you hobo mama botton on my website

quietlion said...

i would use this to sip some organic lemon balm tea, from my garden

quietlion said...

i left a comment on the tea blog under the canadian poem (allison)

quietlion said...

my favorite loose leaf tea is herbal teas from my garden (lavendar, lemon balm, mint)

quietlion said...

i have your button

quietlion said...

i follow in gfc

quietlion said...

i didnt know that the caffiene in tea is released at half the speed of caffeine in coffee

redfuzzycow said...

i would give this to my mom! she would love it and use it for on the go tea drinking

redfuzzycow said...

i follow you on google friend connect (redfuzzycow)

redfuzzycow said...

i follow libretea on twitter (redfuzzycow)

redfuzzycow said...

i like libre tea on facebook (jen reda)

trixx said...

What a clever and gorgeous way to brew tea! I drink tea like it's going out of business. This would be fantastic to keep it nice and hot!

trixx said...

You should try the Chamomile Citrus @ Mighty Tea. Very mellow with a hint of citrus flavors.

trixx said...

I learned that teas are affected by soil, climate, weather and time of picking, just as grapes are when creating wine.

trixx said...

I subscribe via email.

mom2girls said...

I would send this to my tea loveing mother in-law for her Christmas gift this year - perhaps it would make me like me a bit more :)

Anonymous said...
I would use this everywhere I go!

Anonymous said...
What a lovely idea! I would use this at my home and trips to town.

✿Heather S✿ said...

I would just love to use this at home!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said...

I follow libretea on twitter as hell_0kitty
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said...

I follow hobo_mama on twitter as hell_0kitty
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Ash said...

I would pass this along to my mom because she loves loose leaf tea! This would be perfect for her to take to work instead of lugging around her glass tea pot!


Nadi said...

I'm a tea aficionado, so I would ust about bring this anywhere with me. It looks so pretty too!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Nadi said...

I Follow via GFC.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Nyssaneala said...

I would use this at morning playground playdates!

abergsman at gmail dot com

Nyssaneala said...

I like the Jasmine blooming tea balls, the kind that unfurls into a flower when it steeps.

abergsman at gmail dot com

Nyssaneala said...

I learned that Chinese Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea when a tea leaf accidentally fell into the bowl of hot water he was drinking.

abergsman at gmail dot com

Nyssaneala said...

Follow you on Twitter. Twitter name nyssa_neala

abergsman at gmail dot com

Nyssaneala said...

Follow libretea on twitter.

abergsman at gmail dot com

Nyssaneala said...

LIke libretea on facebook.

abergsman at gmail dot com

Nyssaneala said...

LIke Hobomama on FB.

abergsman at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I would use the tea glass while I'm at school. It would be wonderful to have a tea on the go. They sell coffee in our cafeteria but no tea :(

Amber said...

I follow you through GFC

SLM said...

Hobo Mama, this is a tea drinkers dream! I simply can't get enough tea, and I have two tea plants growing in my yard. I drink tea both cold and hot. I would use the Libre Tea Glass pretty much on a daily basis. I would use it at home and on the go. This would be perfect to use with my loose black tea, green tea and white tea varieties. Sweet tea is my favorite Southern beverage.
farmhousekitchen at gmail dot com

*Mom's Best Bets said...

I love TEA! I also love to make Yerba Mate to take on the go but I do NOT like drinking out of stainless steel. This is such a beautiful tea glass to travel with or to take to the beach early in the morning!!!

*Mom's Best Bets said...

i follow you on twitter momsbestbets

*Mom's Best Bets said...

I am following Libre on twitter

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?

Nikki said...

This is SOOOOO cool. My husband and I have a small tea business and I've never heard of this before.....I would DEFINITELY use this often for my "Finest jasmine pearls." MY fave tea hot or cold.

Unknown said...

I would use it to take my tea with me to Bible Class on Sunday morning. It is really the only time I drink tea on the go.

Ellie W. said...

I would use this all the time! I love tea & like to take it with me, but right now I have to brew it before I leave & then I pour it into an insulated mug that I've literally had for like 12 years. Hmm...definitely time for a new one. :)

Ellie W.
fcorin13 at yahoo dot com

Jenny said...

I commute to school and hour each way so saving me the time to brew my loose leaf tea in the morning would be great. I would love to be able to reuse the leaves once I got to school too. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Jenny said...

My favorite loose leaf tea is one I grew myself. I currently have chamomille, peppermint, and spearmint.

marygee said...

I would use this as I was walking around, harvesting my veggies from my gareen.

And drinking my favorite loose leaf tea that I made and picked from the, lemon balm, red clover, and chamomile. Ahhhh....

brockandmary2004 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Samantha Oh said...

I would use this everywhere, I love tea...the only thing that stops me from drinking it is transporting it places i go while maintaining the temperature and flavor so this is perfect! :D

Christie said...

Entered the Amy Adele giveaway

Christie said...

My favorite loose leaf tea ever is this sangria flavored tea I got in a gift set from Target. I've not been able to find it since :(

Christie said...

I love that it's BPA free!

Christie said...

I'd take the glass-n-poly in the car--I never allow enough time in the morning for a hot drink at home!

belgd said...

i would use it at school (:

remarker/fcffollower said...

I'd give it to my daughter, though I'd hate to give it up. She's going off to college soon and would probably use it constantly

email in profile :)

remarker/fcffollower said...

I commented on Libre wins The Tea Guy Declares

remarker/fcffollower said...

My favorite loose leaf tea is Tea Kuan Yin. There seems to be lots of varieties but I buy a very large decorative tin with single serve packages from the local Asian grocer.

Bcteagirl said...

I would use the tea glass at the University while teaching :)

ps- Their shop comes up 'not found'!

Bcteagirl said...

I commented on the Canada day post!

Bcteagirl said...

My favourite loose leaf tea is Margret's Hope darjeeling. I also love both ginger and rhubarb flavoured black teas :)

Bcteagirl said...

I learned that herbal teas are not true teas as they have no actual tea in them :) They are herbal infusions.

Bcteagirl said...

I could not find a friend connect button on the blog but am now following via google reader!

Bcteagirl said...

I liked Liberteas on Facebook! (Janice)

Bcteagirl said...

I tried to enter another contest for an extra entry, but it was US only and I am in Canada :( So this is my extra entry for trying :)

Melissa O. said...

My coworker is from Argentina and thinks I'd get hooked on yerba mate if I tried it! I'd use this tea glass to try it out! I also am trying to cut down on coffee and if I had something this beautiful to drink out of, it'd be much easier.

wolverina401 AT gmail DOT com

Janelle said...

I'd love to use this while running errands with my kids

Katie said...

Holy cow, that's a lot of entries!

I love tea, and would gladly use this any time, any where. I live in the PNW too, and don't really drink coffee, and this would be great all year!

bettycd said...

I would use this while working. Coffee is wonderful for morning commute and then I'd like either hot or iced tea during the day. We have access to hot water but making a pot of tea is too much. This would be so much better than using tea bags.

bettycd said...

I was just gifted a tin of Harney & Sons African Autumn - caffeine free red bush w/ cranberry and orange and highly recommend giving it a try.

bettycd said...

The Libre site had a history of tea link. Tea origination stories include a tea leaf falling in a Chinese emperor's hot water that he was drinking and also that leaves were boiled testing for medicinal properties. Both origin stories have been long told in China.

bettycd said...

follow Hobo Mama on GFC

bettycd said...

RSS subscriber thru google reader to Hobo Mama

kelly @kellynaturally said...

I'd use it every afternoon, after picking kiddos up from school. That's when I make my premade iced tea. But I'd much rather make it fresh. Yummo!

kelly @ kellynaturally . com

kelly @kellynaturally said...

I'd use it every afternoon, after picking kiddos up from school. That's when I make my premade iced tea. But I'd much rather make it fresh. Yummo!

kelly @ kellynaturally . com

kelly @kellynaturally said...

Following Hobo Mama reviews via google friend connect.

kelly @kellynaturally said...

Following @libretea on twitter.


Cal said...

I am drinking more than tea than coffee these days and would take the Libre with me whenever I am out and about. Ice tea, in the summer, hot in the winter.

Cal said...

Not really a recommendation, more a preference... I love the Rooibos tea you get from South Africa.

Alison said...

whoa, this is perfect for me. i love getting iced tea at the coffee shop by my house and they make it half peppermint/ half jasmine from loose leaf tea. it is really good! this container looks great for making my own tea at home.

Yona said...

I'd use it all day long at home (since I work at home). I have pounds of loose tea! Email: yona(at)

Yona said...

My favorite loose leaf tea is Summer Punch Green Tea from Culinary Teas - I think that is what it is called. I"ve bought a bunch. Smells amazing. Email: yona(at)

Yona said...

I'm a Google Connect follower. Email: yona(at)

Yona said...

Following Libre Tea on Twitter (pricelessteam). Email: yona(at)

Yona said...

Following hobo mama on Twitter (pricelessteam). Email: yona(at)

Yona said...

Liked Libre Tea on Facebook (Priceless Writers). Email: yona(at)

Yona said...

FFollowing you on Networked Blogs (Priceless Writers) Email: yona(at)

Soggy Cereal Mom said...

I would use it to make some yummy ice tea early in the day. (I don't drink coffee)

mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said...

I learned that Chinese Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea when a tea leaf accidentally fell into the bowl of hot water he was drinking.
wow! I had no idea!

mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said...

Following Libre via Twitter @azmarry
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Soggy Cereal Mom said...

Entered the Amy Adele givewaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

I'd mostly use it at home since that is where I spend most of my time.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Christine said...

I would use this at home. Great Giveaway!

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said...

I'm a email subscriber.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said...

I "liked" Libre Tea on Facebook.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said...

I "liked" you on Facebook.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Christine said...

I entered the Amy Adele Children's Stationery Giveaway.

raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

Melissa said...

I would definitely use this at work for my loose-leaf lychee tea!

Anonymous said...

I would use it This Libre style

Bethany said...

We've been trying to kick our "cans of soda" habit, so I'd use the Libre to drink iced tea on the go!

Tara said...

I would use this when i'm out running errands
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

fave tea is Jasmine blooming tea balls
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

Follow through Google Friend Connect
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

Follow @Hobo_Mama on Twitter curious_kitty
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

i learned the stainless steel filter keeps the tea leaves away from your mouth and is easy to remove for easy access and easy cleaning when adding or emptying loose leaf tea.
taraz9 at excite dot com

Lucky's Luna said...

I'd prefer to make my tea by having the tea on top of the twist off filter, I think it would be much easier for me this way.

Lucky's Luna said...

I follow Hobo Mama on twitter as @luckysluna


Lucky's Luna said...

I follow Libre Tea on twitter as @luckysluna


Jenny said...

I'd use it for red raspberry leaf tea in the mornings, hopefully before the kids wake up--and I've been meaning to branch out a little and find some other good teas to drink, too.

the_other_alice_ (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jenny said...

Hobo Mama Reviews is in my feed list.

Jenny said...

Hobo Mama is also in my feed list.

Jenny said...

I'm following libretea on Twitter (@babyfingers)

Jenny said...

I'm also following you on Twitter (@babyfingers)

Jenny said...

I like you on Facebook!

Jenny said...

And I entered the WondaWedge giveaway.

madpay said...

different to be sure

noreen said...

I would use it at Daisy or Brownie troop meetings. I brew the tea in a tea poy=t and then pour theough a filter into a travel mug which ok at home but to much trouble anywhere else

Jenni said...

I would definitely use it anywhere! It's so convenient to use!


Jenni said...

I followed Hobo Mama on GFC!


Jenni said...

I followed Hobo Mama on Networked Blogs! (Jenn Craft)


Jenni said...

I followed Libre Tea on Twitter! (DotComScrtsTour)


Jenni said...

I followed Hobo Mama on Twitter!


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...

Q. will the Libre glass’n poly break?

This Libre is much more durable than the glass’n glass although I have heard of a few that have broken. Over all customers have advised it is more durable than they expect and personally I have dropped it on a kitchen floor from counter height, on the road out of my car and on a cement garage floor without breakage.

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Kim said...

What an awesome idea. I would love to have one of those just to use all the time. :)

Kim said...

Following you on GFC. :)

Anonymous said...

Beauty and function together! I would love to have a way to have a little mommy treat on the go with my kids. We are always running to various homeschool things, field trips, etc.

Anonymous said...

I had never considered the fact that loose leaf tea has a lower ecological footprint (as stated on the Libre website). I'm sold!

Anonymous said...

I love lemongrass and spearmint tea.

Anonymous said...

Subscribed to Hobo Mama RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

Subscribed to Hobo Mama Reviews RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

entered the stationary give away

kujen said...

I would use this to brew loose-leaf tea because I have not had much luck with infusers. I've recently become interested in hot tea and trying all different varieties, so I would love to win this!

kujen said...

I haven't tried many loose-leaf teas, but my favorite so far is french vanilla

kujen said...

I learned from the Libre website that the caffeine in tea is released at half the rate that it's released in coffee.

kujen said...

I subscribed to Hobo Mama Reviews by email

kujen said...

I subscribed to the Hobo Mama feed by email

kujen said...

following libretea on twitter @kujen92

kujen said...

following hobo_mama on twitter @kujen92

kujen said...

I "like" Libre Tea on facebook

kujen said...

I "like" Hobo Mama on facebook

kujen said...

entered the wonda wedge pillow giveaway

Tammy said...

I have a long drive every morning. I would use the Libra Tea glass to carry with fresh tea with me.

Melanie Montgomery said...

I'd take this to yoga class with me!

Jenn Spencer said...

time consuming (and awesome) that to actually brew some tea and sit down with a mug seems like mission impossible.


Jenn Spencer said...

I wish I drank more tea, but motherhood is so exhausting


Anonymous said...

I can't decide whether I'd give it to my mom or use it myself to easily make the various loose teas floating around my kitchen.

aanobles at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I love jasmine flavored green tea - the one I have is imported from China by Fujian.

aanobles at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I never knew that they brewed tea with salt and ginger when it was first discovered.

aanobles at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would use this for after work and for after working out.

Angela Livingston said...

this would be awesome for making southern sweet tea with fresh mint by the glass. That's awesome

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Yeah! What a great mug! I love tea and would love to have a good on-the-go cup for loose leaf tea. I'd slap in into the side pocket of my backpack and we'd be off!

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

My favorite (morning) loose leaf tea is Irish Breakfast from

forgot my address above sunfrog at comcast dot net

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

I follow you on networked blogs on FB

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

I follow your review blog on google

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

And follow HoboMama through Google Friend Connect

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

I follow you on twitter (and love your tweets!) @sunfrog

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

And, I like you on Facebook (blush)

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

You're in my blogroll, yeah! (1/2)

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

You're in my blogroll, woohoo! (2/2)