Friday, April 16, 2010

Hobo Mama Giveaway: Simplisse breast pump — plus breastfeeding accessories ($116 value)! {5.12}

This giveaway is now closed. View the winner here! Thank you all so much for entering!

I'm sorry to suspend this giveaway, but it's come to my attention that Simplisse might be affiliated with a company I cannot support due to violations of the World Health Organization's code with respect to advertising breast milk substitutes and feeding instruments.

I have tried to be professional and courteous and have been in contact with the company over this, but it has now been over a week since Simplisse last responded to my inquiries. I will post more when I find out further information. Till then, I'm closing the comments.

So that this has not been a waste of my lovely entrants' time, if the giveaway ends early, I will select a winner from among those of you who have already entered. If any of you who have entered wish to opt out of the contest in light of this new information, please contact me: mail {at} Please note that the issue is not with the quality of the products reviewed in this giveaway but with the advertising practices of a second (bottle) company that may or may not be related to Simplisse.

I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion, and I'll let you know when I find out more.


Ash said...

I love that this is one of the breast pumps that has direct bottles. I don't think I'm a fan of the ones with baggies. Although I am pregnant with my first and so I have not breastfed yet, I do think this is easier!


The Need 2 Read said...

I love that this pump emulates the baby's sucking movements and doesn't use "suck and release" like most pumps - sounds great!!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

Love how they state they designed their products for moms to give milk to the babies for the longest amount of time possible - it was a great story!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

The hydrogel soothing pads sound like a must have for breast feeding moms!!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

New follower via google friend connect - yay!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

Following on twitter as @champagnewisdom

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

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jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

Tandy and Jeff said...

I love that the Manual Breastfeeding Companion breastpump mimics baby feeding more than the suck & release pumps. I would looooooove a better option than my current pump!

ssqueakert at aol dot com

Tandy and Jeff said...

I love that Simplisse was developed through a partnership between lactation consultants and moms. What better designer of a product than someone who uses it!

ssqueakert at aol dot com

Tandy and Jeff said...

Another product Simplisse offers that I would like to try....
that would have to be their double electric pump! I know it's not quite out yet, but I would realllllly like to try that as well!

Tandy and Jeff said...

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ssqueakert at aol dot com

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Tandy and Jeff said...


ssqueakert at aol dot com

Tandy and Jeff said...


ssqueakert at aol dot com

Sarah said...

I like that it is BPA free.

Sarah said...

I like that their company used lactation consultants along with moms to create their products.

Sarah said...

I would like to try Simplisse's Double Electric Breastfeeding Companion.

Kim said...

I love that it's BPA free!!

Kim said...

twitter follower- kgail11

Kim said...

also love to try: Washable Breast Pads

Cara said...

I love that it's small and not noisy!

Cara said...

I think their breast milk storage system is pretty cool.

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

Megan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Megan said...

I like that it's gentle. I'm adopting so I'll be inducing my milk by pump and I'm already very tender so I'd love to try this.

Megan said...

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Megan said...

Double Electric
Breastfeeding Companion for reason mentioned above

Megan said...

They help you BF as long as possible

Tandy and Jeff said...


ssqueakert at aol dot com

Heidi said...

I like how it mimics the baby and doesn't use the usual sucking motion that most breast pumps do.

froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

Melissa O. said...

I too use a manual breast pump and I would really love to win this! The thing that caught my attention is how this pump naturally elicits milk expression, doesn’t extract milk like traditional breast pumps

Melissa O. said...

The Simplisse line was developed through a partnership between industry-leading lactation consultants and moms which is really great. It would have to be better than traditional pumps!

Melissa O. said...

I love that they have Pump Cleaning wipes! How convenient!

Melissa O. said...

I am now following you through GFC

Melissa O. said...

Following you on Twitter @purplemommi

Melissa O. said...

I entered the Melissa and Doug Puzzle giveaway

Tandy and Jeff said...


ssqueakert at aol dot com

paulasue said...

I love that it eliminates the suck and release action, I think that is great!!

paulasue said...

I think Simplisse is neat because the breast pumps are developed and produced by lactation consultants and moms!

paulasue said...

I would also like to try the Breast Pump Cleaning Wipes!

paulasue said...

I follow you on twitter @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

I am a facebook fan - Paula C

paulasue said...

I retweeted @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

Follow HoBo Mama Reviews thru Google Friend Connect!

paulasue said...

Following Hobo Mama thru Google Friend Paula C

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Follow Hobo Mama on Networked Blog thru facebook Paula C

paulasue said...

I shared the giveaway on my facebook wall- Paula C

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

Tandy and Jeff said...

Entered the wood puzzle giveaway.
ssqueakert at aol dot com

paulasue said...

I retweeted @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

Shared on facebook Paula C

paulasue said...

I retweeted @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

Shared on facebook Paula C 4/27

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

paulasue said...

4/28 I retweeted @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

4/28 Shared on facebook - Paula C

Sarah Winson said...

I like that you can sterilize the bags and reuse! Saves on waste!

sarahsewta at yahoo dot com

Sarah Winson said...

I like that it mimicks the baby's suction!

sarahsewta at yahoo dot com

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

Tandy and Jeff said...

follow hobo mama on FB
ssqueakert at aol dot com

paulasue said...

I retweeted @sexyknickers68 4/29

paulasue said...

Shared on facebook - Paula Caudill 4/29

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

grahamcracker03 said...

I love that there are no baggies. Such a hassle!

grahamcracker03 said...

Jo said...

i like the flexible cup. some of those pumps are so rigid.

Jo said...

i follow through gfc.

Jo said...

the company is made up of lactation consultants and mothers.

Jo said...

i'd like to try the washable breast pads- i still leak (20 months and counting!)

Jo said...

i entered the m & d puzzle giveaway.

paulasue said...

Shared on facebook - Paula C

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

paulasue said...

Shared on facebook - Paula C

Tandy and Jeff said...

daily tweet:

ssqueakert at aol dot com

paulasue said...

I tweeted on twitter @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

Shared on my facebook wall - Paula C

paulasue said...

I retweeted @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

I shared on my facebook wall - Paula C

wigget said...

i lik,e that the companion promotes soothing milk flow for enhanced milk productivity

wigget said...

i learned the Simplisse line was developed through a partnership between industry-leading lactation consultants and moms

wigget said...

i lik,e the coming Breastmilk Storage System

paulasue said...

I tweeted 5/3 @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

Posted on facebook - 5/3 Paula C

Jennifer H said...

I like that the pump emulates the baby's sucking. Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

Jennifer H said...

the nipple wipes or soothing gel pads have caught my eye

Jennifer H said...

google followeer

Jennifer H said...

Ent Melissa & Doug giveaway

Jennifer H said...

the Simplisse was developed by both lactation consultants and moms. That's the best combination! Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

Tori said...

I like that it seems to have a gentle suction

paulasue said...

I tweeted on twitter @sexyknickers68

paulasue said...

Shared on facebook - Paula C

Tandy and Jeff said...


ssqueakert at aol dot com