Have you (or someone you know) just had a second child and the firstborn wants to wear a doll just the way the new baby is being carried?
Have I got a deal for you!
Check out Hobo Mama's lovingly hand-crafted (in the USA! of upcycled materials! with no sweatshop labor and very little sweat!) Mini Mei Tai, the answer to all your doll-carrying needs!™
A mei tai, pronounced MAY-TIE, is an Asian-inspired soft baby carrier that can be worn on the front or back. The baby — or, in this case, the baby doll — is supported by a soft apron of fabric. Waist straps tie around the waist, and shoulder straps cross over the shoulders and around to support the baby(doll)'s back. It's very easy to tie on once you get the hang of it!

My two-year-old, Mikko, loves bringing his babies places and giving them constantly changing names — recently it has been Baby One and Baby Five — and he's picked out every one of his dolls from the store himself. He also chooses their outfits, as you can see from the picture.
Children try on the roles of adults as they navigate their world, and giving them a simple, handmade tool like this encourages them in their role playing.
Plus, they get some of the adult benefits of babywearing: having their favorite "babies" snuggled close, and having their hands free to keep on playing!
This special Mini Mei Tai is made out of a cushy polyester fleece fabric that is (a) machine washable (hooray!) and (b) soft and snuggly (hooray again!). Those are important characteristics for a child's product, aren't they? The fleece has a lot of give to it, so you can pull on the straps as tightly as is comfortable for your child.
The Mini Mei Tai is in fact ingeniously made from scraps left over from making the no-sew adult version of a fleece mei tai (thanks to a suggestion from Missy). The Mini Mei Tai is crafted much the same way but does require a teensy bit of sewing, which you can see here in the special tutorial on HoboMama.com.
I estimate that this Mini Mei Tai will fit very small children and dolls (a year or so old) up through elementary school (maybe twelve years old with an American Girl doll). For small children, you can roll the waistband to make the apron shorter, and even cut down the size as needed: Fleece doesn't unravel, so there's no need to hem. If you believe your child or doll will be bigger than the size range listed, please let me know if you win and we'll see what we can do!
I'll be hand-stitching the winner's Mini Mei Tai after the contest closes, so allow a little time for the sewing to take place. If you have a special request, you can let me know then. I'm making the Mini Mei Tai for the winner a little bit smaller than in the photos here and more like my pattern on my Hobo Mama tutorial. If you'd like to give me exact measurements if you win, feel free!

Please note that the waistband for Pink Swirls might be a little shorter than the pattern in my tutorial because of the low amount of fabric I have for it; if you win and want it and think that might be a problem, let me know.
IMPORTANT Safety Notes: Please be clear that this giveaway is for a DOLL version of a mei tai carrier! It is not meant for human babies. It is not designed to support an infant's weight, only a doll's. Supervise your child while the carrier is in use, because the long straps may get tangled. Don't let a young child use this carrier alone, and don't let anyone use it to carry an infant. Clear?
To get your child started with a front carry, here are some easy instructions for tying a mei tai on your child:
- Tie the waist strap around your child's waist. You can use a knot or a bow. Let the apron of fabric hang down toward her legs.
- Have your kid hold her doll against her chest while you pull the apron up over the doll's back and smooth the shoulder straps over your child's shoulders.
- Cross the shoulder straps over her back.
- Bring the shoulder straps around front and tie behind the doll's back or under the doll's bum. Again, you can do a knot or a bow.
You can also check out my instructions here for an adult front carry and the linked video. Here are some alternate carries from a reputable mei tai site.
I also have up a giveaway of Mama Knows Breast: A Beginner's Guide to Breastfeeding, by Andi Silverman. I was thinking what a great gift combination this would be for a new sibling gift: a Mini Mei Tai for the older sib, and the breastfeeding book for the mama!
So I'm offering an extra entry into this Mini Mei Tai giveaway by entering the Mama Knows Breast giveaway, and I'm willing to do vice versa as well — get an extra entry into the Mama Knows Breast giveaway by entering here. But hurry — the Mama Knows Breast giveaway ends this Thursday, Feb. 25!
You can't purchase a Hobo Mama Original Mini Mei Tai, because you can't put a price on the adorableness. Or something like that.
[FYI: My favorite mei tai-like carrier for adults and real babies is the ERGO Baby Carrier (affiliate link but I joined because I love it so much!). It has buckles so is even more user-friendly, and it's very supportive. You can read my review of the ERGO here. ERGO Baby does sell a super-cute Doll Carrier version of its mei tai under Shop --> Lifestyle.]
Make your own Mini Mei Tai or No-Sew Adult Mei Tai following each easy how-to on HoboMama.com! If you make the adult version, remember to save the scraps to make doll versions afterward! All you need for the adult version are heavy fleece, a measuring tape, and scissors, so give it a try.

MAIN ENTRY: Tell me which child would use this Mini Mei Tai if you won.
Leave an email address in your comment if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so I can contact you if you win.
BONUS ENTRIES, to increase your chance of winning:
- Tell me which doll would use this Mini Mei Tai if you won.
- Enter my giveaway for Mama Knows Breast, a wonderful breastfeeding guide by Andi Silverman — but hurry, because that contest ends Feb. 25!
- Follow www.HoboMamaReviews.com publicly through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama Reviews RSS feed in a reader or by email.
- Follow www.HoboMama.com through Google Friend Connect, or subscribe to the Hobo Mama RSS feed in a reader or by email.
- Follow @Hobo_Mama on Twitter and leave your Twitter name in the comment.
- Tweet this giveaway. This may be done once daily for still more entries. Leave the direct URL, which can be found by clicking the time stamp under your Tweet. You can create your own text or copy/paste this: Win a hand-sewn Mini Mei Tai baby-doll sling from @Hobo_Mama for #babywearing a child's favorite doll! http://bit.ly/9lYjWH {3.18}
- Become a fan of Hobo Mama on Facebook.
- Follow Hobo Mama on Networked Blogs on Facebook.
- Do something lovely for this post or a post on Hobo Mama (StumbleUpon, Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Technorati, etc.) and let me know what it was and which post in your comment. There is a Share button below each post to make things easier. You can gain up to 3 entries this way.
- Put my Carnival of Natural Parenting button on your website for 2 extra entries. The HTML code is in the sidebar. Leave your site URL in the comment.
- Include this giveaway in a post on your own blog for 3 extra entries. Leave the direct link in your comment.
- Contest open WORLDWIDE, because I don't mind shipping something this light and this fabulous anywhere on the planet. (My apologies to my Venutian readers.)
- Leave each entry as a separate comment so I can count them all.
- For actions like following and subscribing, if you already follow or subscribe, just let me know in your comment.
- For tasks that garner you multiple entries, say something like "I blogged [link here] #1," "I blogged [link here] #2," etc.
- You don't have to do any of the bonus entries, but you do have to complete the first mandatory one.
- I will pick the winner through random.org after the contest closes and send an email notification. Leave an email address in your comment if it's not clearly visible on your profile or linked web page so that I can contact you if you win. If I can't reach any particular winner or don't hear back within a couple days, I'll draw a new name.
- Any questions, let me know: mail {at} HoboMama.com
Contest closes Mar. 18 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
Disclosure: I made this Mini Mei Tai with my own
two hands using materials I had purchased.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
That's how I roll. See my full disclosure policy here.
two hands using materials I had purchased.
I try to seek out only products I think you would find
relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.
That's how I roll. See my full disclosure policy here.
I'm so entering this. If I win baby Susie (we have 1 doll) is going out in style alongside baby Josephine.
I totally follow you publicly.
I also follow you on Twitter.
I'm sending you a photo of Baby Jo in her real-deal version.
Love it. Love the stripe pattern. My son lives in his carrier. We have a Boba, which is similar to Ergo. I am a loyal customer to NAP, who makes Sleepy Wrap and Boba. Babywearing rocks. I think my son would love to dollwear. His dad wears him often. Thanks for the great blog!
I'm going all out for this one! The fabric I like is the swirly-girly fabric. I'd give it to my youngest daughter because she is so much more likely to wear it.
She's wear Baby Emma in it hand's down. Or maybe princess baby. Or maybe both.
I have your Natural Parenting carnival button on my blog #1
I have the #NatParCar button on my blog entry #2
I tweeted this post because it is mighty fine even without the giveaway. I'm @bfmom (but you know that)
I follow you at Hobo Mama.
And now I follow you at Hobo Mama Reviews (but my icon/avatar looks different here) don't ask me why but its the face of my regular twitter icon. The painting.
I'm your fan on Facebook.
I'm posting this post on Facebook too. Ooh. I get three entries for that one!?! Cool! This is #1.
Facebook #2
Facebook #3
I'd give this to my 2 year old. She'll have a little brother next month and I'd love for her to be able to carry around a doll just like I carry her little brother!
katidyd at hotmail dot com
I'm pretty sure my daughter would be carrying around stuffed animals more than dolls in her carrier. She's been carrying them around and saying she's taking care of her babies but doesn't really do that with dolls!
katidyd at hotmail dot com
Margaret only has one doll and her name is "Doll," so Doll would be worn in it. How creative are we?
I also read Hobo Mama through Google Reader. :)
and also on Twitter. @TopHat8855
I'm also a fan on Facebook! Gosh, I'm a stalker...
My daughter Emma would love this. She's almost 4 and loves playing Mommy.
pjkmitchell at hotmail dot com
My daughter would probably use this with her Lucy doll.
pjkmitchell at hotmail dot com
My daughter would love this for each and every one of her babies. Great giveaway!
My 2 year old son would use this
My son only has one doll. It's a handmade waldorf doll I bought on Etsy
My little girl would LOVE this!
My daughters Lily baby would use this!
Follow on twitter
facebook fan
Kristina W.
My 3 year old daughter will be using this. She loves being a little mommy.
Baby Molly will most likely be the baby she carries around with this.
MY almost 3 year old son Sebastian would love this since I carry his baby brother in one all the time!
I would give this to my little bundle of joy Tara Maria Madonna ( she loves hanging in the big meitai with me)
My daughter would def. be using this sling, she's all about taking care of her doll!
I think It'd be a toss up between Tommy and Baby Bow who gets to use the sling!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
Our daughter would love this for her Baby Doll. Yes the doll's name is Baby Doll. :)
follow on twitter @heart4home
My 4 year old daughter would LOVE this. She's always attempting to make slings out of her brother's swaddling blankets!
Well...my daughter is only 6 months, but I'd love for her to have this to play with one day! She can use one of her "my first dolls".
I am following you on twitter (HuppieMama)
My niece
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
Baby Josephine
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
My little Bean would love this! She's two, and either Teddy or her baby doll Sookie go everywhere with her.
I follow you on Twitter too:) mymilkspilt@gmail.com
i am goodness this is such an awesome giveaway! my son, baby, well, toddler m. will be wearing his babies in style :-)
marfmom at gmail dot com
we're actually going to buy my son a new doll, a cloth, biracial doll. but besides him, my son will surely wear his stuffed Lorax or ducky :-)
marfmom at gmail dot com
i tweeted this giveaway: http://twitter.com/MarfMom/status/10262537139
marfmom at gmail dot com
i am a fan of hobo mama on facebook
marfmom at gmail dot com
i follow you on networked blogs
marfmom at gmail dot com
i follow you on google friend connect
marfmom at gmail dot com
I'm going to give this doll for my niece
Link in my blog (extra entry #1)
Link in my blog (extra entry #2)
Link in my blog (extra entry #3)
If I win my daughter will be using this doll sling! It's adorable!xoxox
If we win my daughters dolls, "the twins" lavender or clover would be carried around all the time!!!! xoxoxox
I follow your blog! xoxox
I love it! I'd choose the stripes for my son to use. Thanks for the chance!
My son loves his baby dear these days, so I'm sure he'd put that in the MT first.
I'm following on twitter (drainl)
my son would love this, he already has a diaper bag for his babies, so this would be great
his dolls name is baby
My son would love this for his "Baby".
jentam777 AT gmail DOT com
This would go to my DIL's niece.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
i tweeted! http://twitter.com/MarfMom/status/10336720266
marfmom at gmail dot com
My daughter would use this for Ella Poupella.
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
The doll would be Ella Poupella, it's Waldorf doll I made for my daughter.
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
I also follow hobomama blog
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
My little princess would use it, she use a pouch that I made with a t-shirt (you can see it here: http://dalleuncolinho.blogspot.com/2009/03/poucheando.html)
meninheira at gmail dot com
I think all her dolls would use the mini mai tai if I won :D
meninheira at gmail dot com
Thank you for explaining how to post proof of a tweet. I always wondered how people did that.
I tweeted it!
i tweeted for today :-)
marfmom at gmail dot com
This would definitely be for my soon to be 3 year old niece. I could so see her carrying her baby dolls in it. So cute!!!
whoops my previous post was supposed to say agnstcmel@aol.com
i tweeted: http://twitter.com/MarfMom/status/10429707396
marfmom at gmail dot com
As to which child would use this? I've got two! They are a wee bit tiny now, at seven months, but we planned to somehow schnagle them each a child sized sling for their first birthday!
OOH I want one!
If I get one, a yet to be named baby doll will be worn by my 21 month old daughter IN AFRICA
mamapoekie at yahoo dot com
linked it
mamapoekie at yahoo.com
added the carnival to blog
mamapopekie at yahoo dot com
followed hobomamareviews
mamapoekie at yahoo dot com
following hobomama
mamapoekie at yahoo dot com
my daughter would love to carry her baby ruda in this! I've fashioned scarves, etc. for her but baby ruda always flops out the side after a bit. this looks much strudier-
i tweeted: http://twitter.com/MarfMom/status/10496780886
marfmom at gmail dot com
Adorable! My 2 1/2 yer old would love it. Sadly, I haven't found time to make him one, so he is always trying to borrow his borther's or sister's for his "baby"
i tweeted for today: http://twitter.com/MarfMom/status/10555017166
marfmom at gmail dot com
Tweeted again today. http://twitter.com/bfmom/status/10555324470
i tweeted today:
marfmom at gmail dot com
I'd love to win this for my one-year-old son!
My son would carry his elmo around in this adorable mei tai. :)
And I just friended you on FB!
My daughter would love this!
Tweet tweet!
I want to give it away!! I am giving a MT to a mum with a beautiful 12month old girl. I would love to give her this as well!!
Facebook.. added.
Following blog Hobo Mama blog
following carnival of np publlicly
Following hobomama on my RSS feed (even snuck into my bedroom to get the iPhone of the bed where my beautiful 4 month old (teething) daughter was sleeping!
Tried to enter the book giveaway.. I was too late.. but I am checking out the book anyway!!
Following hobo mama reviews on RSS feeder. (I am loving all the awesome blog sites on your sidebar btw)
Added your link to my blog sidebar
Tried to comment the other day, but don't think any got through? So: I totally follow you on twitter, my tweep.
Added you to my google reader, which I meant to do anyway. This site and your main bloggy too!
Now a fan on fb, too. Not sure how you validate that, but am happy to tell you my real name. Just not in public. Ha.
Which doll would use this....ooh, tough one. My babies are 7 months and we planned on getting them some baby slings for their first birthday. Seeing as how they are already fighting over toys, I'd have to nominate several dolls based on their current faves.:) Namely, a stuffed bunny rabbit and a blue hippo.
Erm forgot to leave the two bloggy subscriptions as two different comments, so can this count as one?
Just tweeted this and cannot figure out how to put a link up to a specific tweet. Your stupid (amazing!) contest is forcing me to face my technological insecurities. I want this mei tai so so so badly. Times two. Ha.
Oh my gosh that is the cutest thing EVER. My daughter Lily would love to wear her babies in that.
jinxy112 at gmail dot com
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