- Undercover Mama Nursing Shirt from Undercover Mama
- Mommy Breastfeeds My Baby Brother, by Mark Repkin & David Moneysmith, from MommyBreastfeeds.com
Baby Bond Nursing Cover from Baby Bond
- Mama Knows Breast, by Andi Silverman
- Blush Topless Undershirt from Blush
I'm really interested in trying out some of the alternative nursing cover-up/cami options out there. I'm not a fan of the blanket or awning styles of cover-ups. If it's what a mother needs to feel comfortable nursing at all, then yes, please, use one rather than not. But I think they send the wrong message about breastfeeding. It's not something that needs to be covered up, and I'd hate for other women (like me) to be considered "indiscreet" if we don't use a cover, if covering becomes the norm. I also don't think it's possible to cover every baby or every age of a baby. I'm breastfeeding a toddler, and I'll tell you right now he wouldn't stand for a blanket over his head, except for a game of flash the boob!

And, as a large-busted nursing mama, I've been on the lookout (and so have my commenters — thanks!) for nursing tanks that work well with large (or, actually, small too!) breasts and your own, supportive bra. Skinies is a great one I got to review, and Modest Middles is one I stumbled across. This looks like another that would fit the bill.

So head on over today and check out Lorina's blog and all the other items she has up for review and giveaway. Lorina's pro-breastfeeding and pro-babywearing, so I know you'll enjoy poking around as much as I did!
Enter fast at a modern mom's only time is naptime by Dec. 18.
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